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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

I thought the polar vortex was over, what is happening in Arizona?

For those of us who live in Arizona or are maybe just visiting for the week, it has been unbelievably cold. The polar vortex last week mainly affected the East coast, so most of us are wondering, “What the heck is happening with Arizona?”

Last February, Phoenix students were laying by the pool and tanning. It was a crisp 70 degrees outside and individuals were questioning whether or not Phoenix ever really saw winter or if the city jumped straight from autumn to spring. However, this year it is 40 degrees in the city where the sun never stops shining.The only thing is, it is not shining, it is raining! Arizona has not seen this kind of rain in a while and it is great for the plants! The ever- growing cacti sure seem to like it along with those palm trees lining the streets. Students are walking to class in rain boots and umbrellas. When did Phoenix become the rainy city?

Alongside this rain, it seems that Phoenix is simply confused. The city is known for summers having temperatures reaching 115 degrees so the drop to the 40’s at night is quite alarming for many residents. Phoenix, what are you doing?! Many students claim that they attend Grand Canyon University to get away from the cold weather back home yet are confused because they are experiencing some of the same weather they left home for. It may not be snowing in Phoenix itself, but it is hailing and HARD! Phoenix seems to be confused as to what is supposed to be happening and its residents have mixed feelings over the weather. Some residents are loving it, claiming that it technically is still winter and it feels good to have something different for these past couple months. Others are in an uproar over the cold and are welcoming the coming summer.

Northern Arizona is reaching up to three feet of snow this week and people are calling it the snowpocalypse! Arizona is getting wild all over the place and the weather is just the beginning. This could be backlash from the so-called Polar Vortex that attacked the East coast but why is it hitting Arizona? Why is it hitting now? It will be March next week, meaning springtime, sunshine, and warm weather…or so everyone thought. Who knows what is going to happen now. Spring break may be filled bundling up and paying for skiing lessons rather than long strides on the beach.

As fun as this winter has been and how great it is for Phoenicians to be exposed to colder weather and the increase in snowfall, for Northern Arizona, many individuals are, quite frankly, over this. Bring back the sunshine and the warmth Phoenix; we do not stand with the cold. Thank you.


Senior at Grand Canyon University double majoring in Communications and English with an Emphasis in Professional Writing.