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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

In America’s current political climate there has been a string of policy changes towards dismantling environmental preservation. Specifically, when it comes to California’s environmental policies. California has always been one of the leading states to make take action towards strict policies against climate pollution. They have also been the first to establish the Clean Air Act to stop fossil fuel pollution, the leading cause of climate change. So, it comes as no surprise that the rest of the nation would look to California as a leading example of what should be done to prevent further damage. Trump, however, has done everything in his power to reverse the US’s progression. He has threatened to extrapolate California’s highway funding and pull the US out of the international climate accord. Additionally, his administration has opened up an investigation on California’s deal with lawmakers and filed suit to block the state’s initiative to limit greenhouse gases. They are claiming it is unlawful because it includes Quebec even though California has been working with Quebec for years. Trump’s attitudes towards climate change is very apparent even through his rhetoric of calling it a “hoax” even with scientific evidence to prove him wrong. If California’s policies get thrown out the window all the states trying to make moves will fall with it. We can already see the effects transpiring to dire consequences with California’s increasing fires directly because of climate change.

The amount of people affected sky rocketed to the millions and 100,00 acres of land have been destroyed. Even the electricity has been affected pushing residents to leave their homes and businesses.  The drier and hotter heat have led to dryer vegetation meaning more propensity to catch on fire. The 2018 National Climate Assessment says if things continue the fires will triple in the following years. The campfire just last year killed 86 people and destroyed 19,000 homes. The heat increase can also affect farming, with warming waters comes toxic algae and rising sea levels. Disease and fires are spreading and by 2100 California’s beaches will most likely erode by two-thirds. All of this because of greenhouse gasses and other air pollutants and Trump still does not see the problem. Trump has been more than willing to be of assistance with seven additional emergency grants approved by him in the nick of time.

What he should be doing is addressing exactly why these fires are happening. Helping only when problems arise and not making preventative measures first priority will always prove futile. With his unwillingness to address the problem in addition to actually contributing to it we see where his political values stand. Only worrying about the economy and businesses will only be useful for the now. And it is only beneficial to a select group of people. What use is the present win if there is the loss of a future. There is still time to reverse these effects if there are moves to fight against his administration from the people.  

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Regina is currently studying Marketing and Advertising at Grand Canyon University and plans on becoming a creative director in the future. Grew up in Los Angeles, California her whole life. She stands for self-expression, individualism, and brining awareness of the diversity her culture has to offer.