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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

I have heard this saying hundreds of times, in multiple different contexts. It was just something a wise elder would say to a kiddo going through a rough patch. I could never relate, the words never really resonated with my soul…until this week.

This all came about when I decided to be brave and ask God to shake things up in my life. (Yeah I went there…) I was fed up with being mediocre and coasting. I wanted to feel something real and be His hands and feet. Well, I’ve learned that when you call out to Him with an open and honest heart, He hears every word, and will show up in real ways. Over the last few week, I have tried to apply myself, academically, with my church, and at my work. I have started to see roots of improvement and strength begin to sprout. He has revealed to me things that have been eating up my time, energy, love, and strength. Some of which were doomed friendships, obstacles at work, and lies I had believed about myself for so long.

Hebrews 12:27

“Things that can be shaken—will be destroyed. Only the things that cannot be shaken will remain.”

He wants to remove all that is weighing us down or stunting our growth in Him. It has been a sensitive, uncomfortable, and reflective time. I truly feel Him scooting me along, and although it is what I asked for my little heart feels overwhelmed at times. Knowing that He will shake away the unnecessary things, and only keep what will lift me higher is comforting. Even if I am feeling as if I’m being stretched too thin or removing things I really want, I know that He has a good plan for me. It is all for my good, and so I have found comfort in saying “This too shall pass.” Just like every process of change, it doesn’t feel so nice when you are in the thick of it, but man is it going to be rewarding to look at the new creation when it’s over.

A friend explained it to me from the view of a hiker. Pumped for the hike down into a valley, going down into the valley, seeing crowds of trees, bushes, creatures, some sights puzzling and others absent of beauty. As you make the travel across the bottom and reach the other side of the canyon, and begin the climb upward. You are both relieved and tired, but motivated by a desire to see the view from the top. Finally reaching the top, you hoist yourself over the side and find your feet. You gaze at the breathtaking sunset before you and take a glance back. Overlooking the distant valley. A valley that seemed so big, so encompassing, with wild plants, and frightful animals. Yet looking at it all now, it is stunning, and you have a greater appreciation of your journey. In the same way, we can press forward, and anticipate the view from the place of triumph.

Psalm 23:1-3

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green pastures. He leads me to calm water. He gives me new strength. He leads me on paths that are right for the good of his name. Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me.”

As stated above, we are meant to go through the valley, not get lost or become stationary in the midst of our travels. Growth is inevitable, as long as we are doing our best with what we have. So don’t be afraid as He takes you deeper, calls you closer, or asks you to let go of what you are convinced you cannot live without. Trust Him, the tough part holds the greatest potential for transformation. This too shall pass & you will enjoy every second walking in peace & victory.

President of the Her Campus Chapter at Grand Canyon University. I am a Senior at GCU majoring in Government. I love adventures, horses and Nutella!