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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

Recently, I have been interested in psychology and the brain. So, here are some facts about the human brain and how the brain applies to psychology.

Description of the Brain & Its Main Functions

The brain is made up of four main lobes. The lobes of the brain are called the occipital, parietal, frontal, and temporal lobe. In the frontal lobe, the prefrontal cortex has a crucial role in planning and coordination of complex behaviors and mediation of emotional responses. The temporal lobe is responsible for processing language, empties, and certain aspects of visual perceptions. It makes sure memories and the five senses are integrated and processed. The occipital lobe’s primary job is interpreting information from the eyes. Lastly, the parietal lobe is also partly responsible for processing sensory information from the body which includes touch, pain, as well as temperature. 

The Five Senses

List of the Five Senses

1. Eyes (sight)

2. Ears (hearing)

3. Nose (smell)

4. Tongue (taste)

5. Skin (touch)

The five senses help us understand the world around us. The eye translates light signals to the brain so we are able to see color and everything around us. The ears use fluid and bones in order to transform sound waves into sound signals, so we are able to hear everyday sounds and even music. The nose is able to take chemicals in the air that stimulates signals to the brain which then help us interpret smells. The tongue, along with the taste buds, stimulates gustatory cells which then activate nervous receptors so we are able to taste delicious things like cake and cookies.  For touch, skin receptors send touch signals to the brain which allow us to feel how soft your bed covers are. 

The Impact of Damage on the Brain

The prefrontal cortex, which is located in the frontal lobe is responsible for cognitive control, memory, influencing attention, and cognitive flexibility. Resilient adaptation despite high adversity was shown in a study where the identified regions are primarily in the right prefrontal cortical areas. This suggests that mechanisms of executive control may be of key importance in resilient outcomes. Damage from any part of the frontal lobe from either a traumatic experience or even a brain injury can cause changes in personality, difficulties in planning or concentrating as well as an increase in impulsivity.

The Brain & Mental Health

The frontal lobe is mainly is where all of our sensations and emotions are located. The amygdala is also another important part of the brain when it comes to mental health. Stress has been shown to rapidly impair the cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex located in the frontal lobe. Research has even shown that the interaction of competence and adversity identified two regions centered on the right middle and superior frontal gyri. Grey matter volumes in these regions were larger in adolescents experiencing adversity who showed positive adaptation. This further concludes that trauma to the CNS like overstimulation, anxiety, and stress could lead to creating issues in the grey matter of the brain stem. Grey matter decline and build-up can lead to various problems in the brain. 


Hi! My name is Orianna Morales and I am originally from Bakersfield, CA. I attend GCU and I'm majoring in Government with an emphasis in legal studies to become a civil rights lawyer in the future. I'm also on the club wrestling team at GCU. Two fun facts about me are that I LOVE elephants & music!