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Breanna Coon / Her Campus

Seeking Wisdom During a Time of Uncertainty

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

The world has done something that has never seemed to happen before: it has stopped in its tracks. During this time, people are cooped up in their homes finding ways to be creative and keep busy. For the people who have been fortunate enough to not be directly affected by COVID-19, they have nothing but time on their hands. With the blessing of time, it is important to take this opportunity to seek out wisdom. For the people who have been directly affected by COVID-19, wisdom has never been so in demand. It is one thing to have the gift of knowledge, but it is another to have the gift of wisdom. More than ever, it is imperative for everyone, no matter their situation, to act out of wisdom and not haste. If you are having a hard time seeking out wisdom, contact someone you trust to talk about your situation. It can be through a video chat or any other safe method to interact with them. Once you have talked with one person, talk to another person you know that you are able to confide in. Then seek out another person whose opinion you respect. There is not just one person who can answer all of life’s questions. In fact, some of the questions you have will probably be beyond the world’s knowledge. However, if you can seek guidance from people you love and respect, they will give you that love and respect in return. That is all a person can ask for. Another way to seek out wisdom is through prayer. Prayer is one of the best methods to actively seek wisdom. Prayer is something anyone can do. Simply asking God for wisdom is not a crime. Through continuous prayer, some form of an answer will be provided. 

woman working on laptop while holding a mug
Pexels / bongkarn thanyakij

To seek wisdom out yourself, first list out the facts you know to be true. For example, the world is experiencing a time of uncertainty. That is a fact known to be true. Once you have listed out the facts, think about how you can personally respond to those facts in a positive way. Any harsh reality can be seen in a positive light. In answer to the facts given, respond with an action that promises hope.

Fact: The world is experiencing a time of uncertainty.

Response: I can hold on to what is certain.

From here, elaborate on your response. In this case, list out the things in your life that are certain. Ultimately, things that are unseen and intangible like love are things that are certain to always be present. The love of family, close friends, and God’s unconditional love are all things that are certain. 

Here is another example:

Fact: I am experiencing isolation and feel closed off to everything else that is happening in the world.

Response: I can be proactive about staying connected with people, and trust that people will not put their relationships on hold.

These are just broad examples that a lot of people might be facing; however, this exercise can apply to any given situation. What is important to remember is that no one can approach this time in the world alone. Nothing fruitful will come out of someone blinding their view from reality. Reality can be difficult to accept, but it does not take much to see reality through a positive lens. 

Hello everyone! I My name is Clara and I am pursuing my college degree in English for Secondary Education. Reading and writing are some of my obvious passions, but I also have a love for music. Singing worship music in particular is one of my creative outlets when I am not writing. One of the reasons I enjoy writing so much is because the possibilities in the writing world are endless. There are infinite ways to construct a sentence, paragraph, article, or book. I find that amazing!