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Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media

Love Yourself First

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

If you have the ability to love, love yourself first…

As I sat waiting for the tattoo artist to say it was my turn, I had no idea what I would be putting on my body, forever. I do this thing where I know I want a tattoo, and I know where on my body it belongs, but I do not know what it should say or look like. As I scrolled through Pinterest, I realized I knew what my tattoo should say, what it needed to say.

Now the reminder to “love yourself first” will always be there. It will be there on the days when I forget that I cannot love someone else if I do not love myself, when I find myself putting other people’s needs before my own, or when I feel a lack of love for myself. Now, I can look down and be reminded how I have grown to love myself and put myself first. This is something that once felt impossible.

Self-love is a lifelong journey, not a destination. It is something that is ever-changing and lacks consistency. On the days when loving myself feels like a daunting task, I remind myself that I must love myself unconditionally, like how I love the people in my life unconditionally. I put so much energy into others, and I have learned to make sure that I am not emptying myself as I fill others up. I always remember to check in on the people in my life and make sure they feel valued, but sometimes I forget to check in on myself to make sure I feel loved.

When it comes to love, I have found that loving others is the easy part. It is loving ourselves that often feels like a daunting task. Take a step back and look at how easy it is to love others and judge them based on their heart rather than how they look on their bad days. You can do the same for yourself.

Life has taught me that love is the most important thing we have. We must put love out into the world; it is to be given and received. This can only happen once we love ourselves.

You deserve all the love you have. You also deserve to fulfill your needs before attempting to do the same for another person. Yes, life has taught me to love others. But life has also taught me that if I can love other people, I can love myself too.

Everyone deserves to feel loved and enjoy the pure bliss of giving and receiving love. This can only happen once you love yourself, truly love yourself. You must vow to put yourself first and to love yourself before, during, and after loving another person.

Every day and in every situation, remember that if you have the ability to love, love yourself first.

Hi! my name is Emma, I am a sophomore from Minnesota majoring in English for secondary education. I love to express myself and my opinions through creative writing and I also have a strong desire to make a positive impact on peoples lives which I hope can be accomplished through my writing, with that being said I could not be more excited about writing for Her Campus!