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How to Love People Well During This Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

We are living in a time like no other.  Many states are in lockdown due to the coronavirus and it is nationally encouraged to practice social distancing. Colleges have moved online, restaurants have been shut down, and people have lost their jobs. During this time, it is easy to get caught up in the fear of the unknown. There is no guarantee of when this will all end, when life will resume back to normal, when people will be able to hug their friends, and when people will be reunited with their grandparents face to face again. In times of fear, people tend to focus inward. There is a temptation to only fixate on how personal needs and the needs of close family will be fulfilled.

While it is important to look out for your personal health, it is not a time to only be self-serving. The coronavirus is unique because it is something all people are going through at the same time. This is a rare opportunity where all people have something to relate to and help each other through. All people are affected by this virus and learning how to better serve each other in this time will only help. Here are a few ideas of how you can love people well from 6 feet apart.

Stay home and wash your hands! 

Ah yes, the phrase you probably see plastered on every instagram story right now. It has only been said a million times because it is true! It is important to take this seriously because you never know who you are affecting by not social distancing. The best way to love someone right now is to be physically distant. That may mean saying no to fun events but in the end it is all for the best.

person washing hands

 Write letters to neighbors. 

The best way to love people around you is to start with your neighbors. Write a letter offering to grocery shop for them or help in any way you can and include your contact information. You never know who may be struggling and who may need someone to reach out to. These are scary times and we must be there for each other. If you happen to have hit the toilet paper or hand sanitizer jackpot, share some as gifts. 

Smile on your walk. 

It seems as if everyone is taking family walks at least once a day. Any excuse to get out of the house during social distancing is a cause for celebration. On your walks or runs do not forget to smile and say hello to people. It may be small, but we all are missing out on human interaction right now. It is important to use every opportunity to connect with people, even if it is just a smile. 

Ask your church how to serve. 

Send an email to your local church and ask how you can help. Serving may look a little different in these times but there are still ways to do so. This may look like joining the prayer team, donating food, or giving blood to hospitals. The church is a great place to be informed on how to help serve others around us. 

Support your local restaurant. 

Many restaurants are being forced to close due to the coronavirus. People have lost their jobs and livelihoods. It is so important to support the small businesses that are continuing to stay open for takeout, and provide their employees jobs. Be safe and smart in getting delivery but do shop small when you can. It is important to help our businesses so they will still be around when this is all over. 

These are just a few small steps to take in order to learn how to be intentional with people throughout this season of life. Practicing social distancing can feel really isolating. This is why we must be intentional with the people around us right now, even if we have to love them from six feet away. 

Tatum is currently a Sophomore at GCU studying Graphic Design and Advertising. As a native to Arizona she loves being a part of the Phoenix community. She is passionate about writing, design, friendship, and a really good cup of coffee.