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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

I know many of us ladies have had our fair share of rejection, ghosting, heartbreak, or not being an option. However, that should not stop us from finding peace within our singleness. Singleness for us ladies should be fun and exciting. There is nothing wrong with doing things you enjoy doing…alone. Being alone should not be seen as something negative, but rather something amazing on the path to finding true love within ourselves. I believe that we’re all looking for love. We chase it without knowing it. We envy it. We loathe it. But love does not have to constantly be something we receive from another, but rather something we give, especially to ourselves.

Loving ourselves can be a bit tough. When we take the time to get to know ourselves, we begin to notice what we don’t like versus what we enjoy. Sticking to a routine that you like is great, but if you haven’t found what you love yet here are some new things to try.


Do more writing and less talking. Learning to be private and vulnerable with yourself is the best way to achieve happiness while learning to be alone. When you are vulnerable with yourself, no one has access to the part of you that was personal, and no one can share it without your permission or hold it against you. Loving yourself is learning to be private about your personal thoughts, wonders, and success.

Podcasts and playlists

Inspirational podcasts are so uplifting, and there is a wide variety to choose from. You can find podcasts you’re interested in that pertain to your career, your current situation, or a certain feeling. Learn to uplift yourself with inspirational talks. Most people love music, so what’s a better way to make yourself feel good than to make a playlist? Your playlist should be centered around music that makes you feel good about yourself, music to hype yourself up to, and music that makes you feel beautiful and on top of the world. Music heals and comforts the soul.


You can’t go wrong with a good meal. Take yourself to that restaurant that you’ve been wanting to go to or make that meal that you’ve been wanting to make. Nothing should stop you from enjoying what you want, and that includes food. Learning to be alone means that it is okay to eat a meal alone. It helps you enjoy your food more and appreciate the work put into making it.

Make every day for you

Singleness should be fun; it is what you make of it. Even on the days that you have work or school, make every day for you. Paint your nails, put on your favorite show or movie, online shop, or go out shopping. Check off your Target list, do your hair, write, read; do everything that brings you enjoyment or happiness. Put time aside every day to take care of yourself.

Only you can give yourself the love you deserve. You don’t need a significant other to do it for you. Treat yourself. Date yourself.