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The Week Before Finals Told by Supernatural

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

The week before finals starts the same for every Bobcat. On Sunday morning you break out your list of final tests, projects, and essays that you have due. That’s when you realize that your professors decided everything important should be due the week before finals.

You break down in stress tears and wonder how you will accomplish everything in five days and study for your finals.

Your roommate hears your sobs from down the hall and comes in to check on you. She asks if everything is okay and when you look at her, she understands that your life is crumbling.

You wipe your tears. You and your roommate decide to make a list of stuff that you both have due and resolve to get it done. Countless sleepless nights are spent in the living room and library just trying to make it to finals week.

Through the blood, sweat, and tears, you finally finish everything you had due this week.  You have a mini celebration before realizing that it is now the dreaded finals week.

Hey, at least Christmas Break will be here soon!

Good luck Bobcats! 

Shelby Smith is an English major with a concentration in creative writing at Georgia College & State University. She hopes to write the next great American novel one day while becoming a #girlboss. Shelby loves Pinterest, hedgehogs, organizational supplies, and has a mild obsession with makeup. You can follow her on Instagram @shelbysmilege.