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History Department Celebrity: Dr. Samiparna Samanta

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Samiparna Samanta is a faculty member in the Department of History at GCSU. Her specialization is Southeast Asian History. Samanta attended the University of Calcutta for degrees in History and received her Ph.D from Florida State University in 2012. Samanta has several journal publications including “Situating Animal in History: An Invitation to Calcutta Slaughterhouse” and “Dealing with Disease: Epizootics, Veternarians, and Public Health in Coloonial Bengal, 1850-1920”. Dr. Samanta has been a presenter at many conferences, most recently in March where she attended a conference for the Association for Asian Studies in Philadelphia. Dr. Samanta’s research interests include: the history of science, medicine and environment, modern south Asia, the British Empire and colonialism, and animal studies. Her teaching interests include: the history of Asia, world history, modern south Asia, Islam across the Indian Ocean, environmental history, the history of science and medicine in the global context and south Asia, and historical methods. She is also fluent in Bengali, Hindi, and English. Apart from her scholarly achievements, Dr. Samanta is an inspiration. She is open and welcoming if her students ever have questions. She does whatever she can to help them with things from research to scoping out graduate schools. She is charming—and GCSU is lucky to have her!