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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

You can ask anyone I know, and they will tell you how excited I was for Girl Meets World, the highly anticipated spinoff to Boy Meets World. What I didn’t expect to find through this show was my next fashion inspiration, Riley Matthews. At only thirteen, she is able to grasp the concept of mixing patterns and materials in a much more tasteful way than the Disney darlings before her (looking at you, Lizzie McGuire). Her style is the envy of a twenty year old such as myself but manages to stay age appropriate. Riley’s outfit displayed in the picture showcases just how well delicate and spunky articles can mesh together. It is side by side with a more toned down example, but If you know me then you know that my style mantra is the funkier the better.Make sure to watch Girl Meets World for even more fashion inspiration from the most stylish middle schooler around. 

Lover of iced coffee and all things cheetah print. Just a city girl living in a small town college world.