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Freshman Year Tips From A Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

I just finished the first two weeks of my senior year at Georgia College. I have mixed feelings about it all; though I am excited to soon be done with my time as an undergraduate, I am sad that I will soon have to depart from the small town I have grown to love so much. Along with the happiness and sadness, I have a little anxiety and fear about being in “the real world” – aka (hopefully) finding a job, finding a place to live, and no longer being around my college friends who helped me through the best four years of my life thus far. So, here is a little letter of advice to all GC freshmen. Do all that you can and seize every opportunity that comes your way. College will go by in a flash, so make the best of it!



1. Do NOT let your grades slide.

I apologize for going all “mom” on you, but this is the most important thing to remember in college. Yes, partying is fun, but your grades are what will show on a resume and differentiate you from other young college graduates interviewing for jobs. Also, doing your best in college will give you a great sense of accomplishment and pride.


2. Don’t search for a relationship.

In college, it seems that every single girl has a boyfriend, is engaged, or is even married. But trust me, your collegiate years are the best time to be single. You should be focusing on yourself – loving yourself, taking care of yourself, finding yourself and putting yourself first. Do not let the want for a relationship overpower your love for yourself!


3. Try everything and everything…

Visit all of the local restaurants, coffee shops, bars and boutiques. We may live in Milledgeville, a small town in the middle of nowhere Georgia, but I promise – the food, drinks and shopping is actually pretty great. Do not be afraid to try new foods, local beers (if you are of the legal drinking age) or new things – like trivia at the Brick or karaoke at Buffingtons. 


4. …But Don’t Be Afraid to Say No.

Do not do anything unless you absolutely want to. Peer pressure is a huge part of college. If you do not want to drink, go to a party, or talk to a certain boy, DO NOT DO IT! You have to do what is comfortable and best for yourself.


5. Have Fun!

While, yes, school and grades are mportant – and the reason you are even in college – it is so important to have fun. Make friends, go on late night runs for Cookout milkshakes, join any and every club that interests you. Getting an A on an exam would be awesome, but what would you remember more: staying up all night studying, or taking a break to go out to your favorite restaurant with your best friend? 


I hope these tips help guide all you freshmen through your first year at Georgia College. No, it will not be easy, but it will be fun. It will be the experience of a lifetime. Do any and everything that you can, because you will be graduating in the blink of an eye. Study hard, have fun, and good luck.

Her Campus GCSU Campus Correspondent. Senior Mass Communication major with a focus in Journalism. Cat mom, writer, avid concert-goer, iced coffee addict.