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Celina Timmerman-Care Free
Celina Timmerman-Care Free
Celina Timmerman / Her Campus
Style > Beauty

Creating a Socially-Distant Beauty Routine for YOU!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GA Tech chapter.

Starting classes or being on campus this semester has been a transition for all of us and it can be hard to try and keep up with a self-care routine you started back in March. For me, once we were sent home back in March, I tried to work out more, eat healthier and take care of myself more. But in the summer, while I was taking more classes, I realized that when you don’t have to get up and go to class or even go to work, it’s hard to want to keep up with your appearance. There were times that I wouldn’t leave the house for days straight due to restrictions from the virus and concerns about myself and my family’s health. Where was I going? Who was I seeing? What was the point? 


And what’s more, classes were getting harder and I was definitely overwhelmed. My self-care routine started to slip through the cracks and with nowhere to go for anybody to see me, it was hard to care. But once the summer began to end and the fall semester was right around the corner, I knew I had to start doing things for myself that would make my day or my week better and more manageable. In a time like this, I think it’s important to pamper or treat yourself every once in a while, or just keep up a small routine everyday so I started forcing myself to make changes. 


I started taking biotin, other vitamins and drinking lots of water to help clear my skin. I also got a massage and  facial. I got my hair done and also got a manicure and pedicure. For any service I was about to get done, I always did a little background check on where I was going and how they were being safe. Learning about how people are operating is extremely important especially now, so definitely do your research before making an appointment somewhere! 


Doing these things once a month allows me to have something I can look forward to and be excited about. It’s also a good distraction from school and social life and very relaxing. There’s also plenty to do at home as well. Once a week I have a day where I treat myself at home. I usually do a face mask and steamer, deep condition my hair and whatever else I feel I need to do to get ready for the week. I also recommend inviting friends to enjoy the pampering with. Whether it’s virtual or together–but socially distanced– it’s still important to treat yourself and also spend time with friends. These aren’t things you have to do every day but just something to spice up your week and your look. It’s extremely important to take care of your hair, nails and skin and taking up some of these tasks can take you a long way!

My name is Jamiah Campbell. I am a third year student at Georgia Tech and I am studying Industrial Engineering. I enjoy reading and writing, watching sports and going shopping.