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Plants On a Window Sill
Plants On a Window Sill
Original photo by Julia Perrone
Style > Decor

Top Five Easiest Plants to keep Alive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

Plants can brighten up a room and have been proven to improve mood and productivity. Not to mention they are a good hobby, being able to take care of something live can make you feel productive and responsible. There are no positive benefits if you can’t keep them alive, though, which is why it’s important to choose easy plants when you’re starting out. I love plants, but I’ve killed an awful lot. With that in mind, here are the top five easiest plants to keep alive. 

  1. Pothos 

One of the most popular hanging plants, this plant is a great addition to any room and thrives in indirect light. It can also quickly bounce back after underwatering. 

  1. Monstera

A larger, leafy plant this plant is great decor, and it is great in most light conditions. It also doesn’t take much watering. 

  1. Snake Plant 

This plant is practically indestructible, it’s great in all light conditions, and fantastic for air purifying. It also doesn’t need a lot of watering. 

  1. Jade Plant

This plant can survive up to a month without water, but does require lots of light. 

  1. ZZ plant

The ZZ plant requires very little light and prefers dry soil. 

Plants are a great addition to brighten up a living space, but they can take awhile to understand. The most important thing is to remember that you’re not born with a green thumb, and it may take awhile to adjust. If you stick with it, you’ll be thankful.

Christina La Rosa is a Senior at Furman University, who is originally from Richmond Virginia. She is a Psychology major. She wants to support and encourage all women to be the best that they can be. She loves her dogs, chocolate chip cookies, and painting.