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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

I typically enjoy being the busy bee. I run from activity to activity all day long without ever stopping. While this is fun, in a weird stressful way, I end the day being exhausted and feeling like I never took 45 seconds for myself throughout the day. This works for a few days, but then when my weekend comes, I just want to sit down for the majority of it. I have decided that I am too young to feel consistently tired. 

Americans have fallen into the trap that being busy is the only way to live. We take no breaks and constantly push ourselves to the limit, but then we seem confused when we feel exhausted 24/7. Americans take the least amount of time off of work than other countries. In order to take breaks, we have to plan them in. Truthfully, taking care of yourself shouldn’t have to be worked into a schedule. 

In recent news, the story of “Bones” versus “No Bones” day has taken Tik-Tok by storm. At the ripe old age of 21 and having no Tik-Tok, I decided that I needed to figure out what a “No Bones” day meant. When Noodle, the famous Tik-Tok pug, has a “No Bones” day, that means he is taking a day for self-care. Once I discovered the idea of a “No Bones” day, I realized that I needed to add more of these into my daily life. So I propose a change. I would like to set certain times of my day for me to just relax.  As I mentioned before, yes, self-care shouldn’t have to be scheduled into your day. However, until it becomes a habit to take time for yourself, you may have to schedule a little self-care routine.  Find something you enjoy, something really simple, like reading for 10 minutes or listening to your favorite playlist. Live like Noodle and have more “No Bones” days.

Helena Sherman is a senior majoring in elementary education and will be pursuing her master's degree in early childhood with +30 credits in literacy. She is a writer for HerCampus and is on the Heller Leadership Team. She describes herself as a curly-haired Jesus freak. Her passions include reading, talking, and musical theatre.