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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

Distance of any kind is no fun, especially when you’re in college and your significant other goes to another country to study for 4-5 months. This may seem like the end of the world and quite frankly, impossible. But in the end, it can make you and your significant other closer than over.

My boyfriend is currently studying abroad in Europe for 5 months and let me tell you, it has not been easy. However, my boyfriend and I have been working through our relationship. Here are some tips that I’ve learned along the way on how to manage a long distance relationship. 


Tip 1: Communicate!!!

I am going to be honest, expecting to talk to your significant other who is studying in another country 24/7 just isn’t realistic. Time zones are the worst and you are both going to be crazy busy. So, come up with a schedule on when talking works best for both of you. Then, you can look forward to that all day and build up a list of things to catch up on.

Respecting each other’s time and schedule is so important when it comes to any distance. If something feels off or you feel like you want to talk more or less just speak up. Communication is key in any relationship, but it is even more important when you are each on different sides of the globe.  


Tip 2: Enjoy Your “You Time”

One of the positives of experiencing long distance is that you have more time to yourself! When your person is on the other side of the world, you have plenty of fresh new time to indulge into yourself. Pick up new hobbies or try exploring new places with your friends!!

There is an endless list of things one can do. You don’t have to sit around and wait for the days to go by. Put yourself first these couple of months and appreciate the time you and you get to spend together.


Tip 3: Friends are Family

My friends have kept me afloat this semester at school. When you are doing long distance and no longer around your significant other, utilize what you have! Be grateful for your friends, your family, even your professors. These people are all here in your life for a reason.

Friendships are some of the longest lasting relationships in this world, so don’t neglect that. It important to get some girl time in with your BFF’s, rely on them, go to them, and remind them how much they mean to you. They will help keep you busy and keep your spirits up.  

Tip 4: Don’t Wish the Days Away

I know this is hard, it is hard for anyone. But it is important to not sit and wish the days away. Life is going on, and life is beautiful. You can make this semester of distance amazing in your own way. Try to take the positive out of this experience. You only need one person to make you happy, and that is you. Reminding yourself of that every day is one of the most important things and it will help you through this strange time.


Long distance relationships are never easy, but before you know it the time will fly by. Keep yourself busy with friends and try new things! You’ll find that you have more to talk about when you FaceTime. In the end, your relationship will come out stronger so stay positive.



Molly Finnan is Furman’s HerCampus Social Media Director. She is a Health Science major from Annapolis MD. She loves promoting women’s equality and writing!She loves Law and Order, CrimeJunkie podcasts, Golden retrievers and Hot Cheetos.