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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

What does it mean to be ‘apolitical’?

The definition of apolitical is not interested or involved in politics. 

“Apathy about politics is a sign of privilege.”

Those of us who choose not to care or get involved can only do so because the election results do not directly affect us. 

As Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” Choosing to remain neutral is to ignore the pain and suffering of groups that are actively being oppressed by the current government. If you do not use your voice to speak out against injustices in your everyday life, even if it’s to just one person, you are remaining neutral. 

Neutrality: I just don’t like to be political!

Injustice is not about politics, but human rights. I know that people choose to remove themselves from politics because it can seem overwhelming. For others, politics is simply an after-thought because they have never been directly affected by a policy or seen negative repercussions firsthand. 

I understand. Growing up in a predominately white suburban neighborhood, attending private school, being surrounded by loving friends and family, I never saw the need to be political. My ethnicity, education, and socioeconomic status have granted me rights and opportunities that are often not challenged by elected officials. However, it is imperative that we recognize the ability to be ignorant and look the other way is a privilege. 

Neutrality: I just don’t know what to say!

That is totally okay! We do not always know what to say due to lack of education about particular topics. However, there are many resources out there you can use to educate yourself and others! For instance, this NYT article provides a plethora of ways you can start to get involved in politics. Once you feel more secure in your knowledge, hopefully you will be able to engage in difficult conversations. By remaining silent, you perpetuate and hide behind your privilege. 

Neutrality: I will lose my followers/friends if I get too “social justicey!”

If your friends unfollow you for speaking up about relevant social issues, you need new friends. Do not allow others to gaslight you into believing that fighting for justice is “divisive.” 

Politics is everywhere. It affects our daily lives, from how much you pay in taxes to the price of gasoline. It influences every single aspect of our daily lives. 

Today, there are politicians who are working against equality and inclusion in our country. There are others pushing for policies that negatively impact the environment and eliminate natural resources. We must inform ourselves, recognize inequality, and speak out against it. It is imperative to educate yourself, form your own opinions, and vote. Politics is the vehicle by which progress and change for the people occurs. 

While it can seem daunting and overwhelming to engage in politics, it is necessary. Use your voice to advocate for the voices being silenced. No matter your identity, socioeconomic status, and beliefs, you are likely subject to the injustices the government places on numerous groups. Life, liberty, and happiness are at stake under this existing government and the laws they are implementing. Your voice, your vote, and most importantly, you, matter. You have the power to speak up and become involved. I encourage you to do it.  

Whether you realize it or not, remaining apolitical is being political. Your action of not caring directly impacts someone who does care, who is affected by politics, and is politically active. Your silence communicates that you do not care enough to take a stance and see nothing wrong with our unjust world. Being apolitical is not peaceful. By not having an opinion and not caring to educate yourself, you are contributing to the injustices occurring in America. 

Use your voice to advocate for a better and more just society. Do not remain silent in times of injustice. 

Hi!! I am a senior studying Politics and International Affairs and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Furman University! My passions include: empowering women, destroying the patriarchy, and rescuing stray cats. In the future, I hope to pursue a legal career in human or animal rights.