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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Living with curly hair is both a blessing and a curse.

For a long time living with curly meant putting my hair into a ponytail. I wanted it out of my face, away from all the hassle. My routine consisted of my mom running her fingers with leave-in conditioner through my wild locks and taming them with a scrunchie. It wasn’t until middle school where I really started to focus on my hair.  

The beginning of my hair journey wasn’t pretty. I was never really good at putting my hair into buns/ ponytails so I opted for letting my hair just flow. Little did I know what to expect.  

There were days where I tried out no products. Days where my hair frizzed into a fro and just days where I wanted to cut it all. Everything was trial and error. It wasn’t until high school where I truly started researching products. 

Hair products I own
Ashley Painter

Devacurl was ~the~ brand back then. To put it short: if it wasn’t Devacurl it wasn’t cutting it. Finding products for curly hair is a struggle that comes at a price, that price being over 25 dollars for ANY Devacurl product. To many, this was the price to pay for having great curls. Honestly, even I bought a product or two out of curiosity; I just wanted products that worked for me and made my hair feel great. 

My hair routine has been the one consistent thing in my life. After every shower, it was: 

1.    Leave-in conditioner  

2.    Curl cream  

3.    My Devacurl product 

4.    Mousse 

5.    Let air dry 

Those 5 steps were everything for my hair. However, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago where I noticed my hair start to act up. My locks were now frizzy and shapeless. My hair never seemed to hold in place anymore, looking dry more often than I’d like to admit. I felt helpless. It wasn’t until my friend sent me a Youtube video where it all began to click. The video was about Devacurl enthusiasts talking about why they stopped using the brand with many stating that their hair began to lose shape and fall out. 


That’s when I began to worry. Things started to fall into place as many of the girls shared that this all began happening with the new products and that’s when I realized this all started happening when I bought a refill of my Devacurl product. The next day I swore that I’d stop using my Devacurl product for a week and the results were instant. I applied all my products minus Devacurl and I was shocked to see my hair defined and hydrated. I thought this is a one-time thing Devacurl couldn’t have been causing all my hair issues, right? I was wrong.  


I never would’ve imagined Devacurl to be the root of my problems. Suddenly, I saw people’s horror stories with Devacurl everywhere – Twitter, Youtube, you name it. Right now, I don’t know where I’m at in hair journey I’m just stunned at the impact the wrong product had on my hair. I’m currently working on researching all my products and finding ways to better my hair but I’ll leave y’all with this: Research a product before you buy it. The brand might be trustworthy but that doesn’t mean everything in their line is right for you. 

group of women facing backwards
Becca Tapert on Unsplash

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Janelle is a Mass Media Communications and International Affairs student at Florida State University. She loves binging youtube videos and can be seen watching anything from animation reviews to conspiracy theories. If you ever want to talk Film, Janelle is your gal.
Her Campus at Florida State University.