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What Nobody Tells You About Long Distance Relationships

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Courtesy: Explicit Gist

As summer comes to an end, we say goodbye to sleeping in, hanging out by the beach and our summertime loving. For many college students, fall symbolizes the dreaded start of what we like to call long distance relationships. Those affected by this separation anxiety are taunted with questions such as, “Is this really worth it?” “How long do you think we will last?” and “Does absence really make the heart grow fonder?” What nobody tells you about long distance relationships is that every couple is different and not every relationship reacts the same way to the change. Having been in a long distance relationship for a year, I am here to tell you that while it does take a lot of time and effort, it is totally possible to maintain your happy, healthy relationship. Thanks to social media, text messages and Skype, one can now shorten the distance by carrying the other person around in their pocket.

Disproving the common belief: Four myths about long distance relationships.

1. Long distance relationships are hard.

NEWS FLASH: Any relationship is hard. Nothing worth having comes easy. Distance just acts as another challenge in your relationship. In order to tackle this obstacle you need to have a good attitude. At the end of the day, your relationship is ja result of what you put in. It is what you make it.

2. There’s no hope for long distance relationships.

As you tell people that you are in a long distance relationship, you will find that more people are against you rather than with you. People like to discourage those in long distance relationships because of their bad reputation. After being in a long distance relationship, I have never felt closer to my partner as I do now. Although we were apart, our circumstances made us grow closer together. We dealt with the lack of personal intimacy by adopting new and fun ways to keep our relationship alive. We never felt as if we were making sacrifices because it was something that we both wanted to do.

3. You do not need to plan your life together.

The most important part about being in a long distance relationship is talking and planning things out. I knew I could do this because it was only going to be temporary. It was only a matter of time until we would be in the same city again. It is crucial that as a couple, you discuss your goals. While you and your partner do not need to have the same exact goals, it is important to be willing to make some tweaks and compromises.

4. You and your partner are in a long distance relationship? He must be cheating on you.

As you have probably heard a thousand and one times before, trust and communication is one of the most important components of a relationship. Trust serves as the foundation for any long-term relationship. Regardless of whether you’re in a long distance relationship or not, cheating is a problem that you can have. Trust should come easy in a relationship that constantly communicates with one another.

Remember: While it may be difficult, it is not impossible.

Her Campus at Florida State University.