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Walk for a Cause: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the American Cancer Society is organizing events nationwide through its organization, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women and the second most common in cancer-related death. It is vital to have a strong national support system available for the thousands of women (and men) affected by this disease. Making Strides began in Massachusetts during 1984 as a way to celebrate breast cancer survivors, as well as to raise funds for research. Since then, Making Strides has become one of the largest networks to provide breast cancer awareness with over 300 unified communities.

Alongside investing in groundbreaking breast cancer research, Making Strides has several other goals to assist communities nationally. The organization aims to keep people healthy through providing thorough information on prevention and early detection. It supplies free education and reminders on how often you should get screened for breast cancer. Another critical purpose is provision of an unconditional support system that offers a wide array of programs to survivors, people currently going through treatment and also their loved ones. These programs range from arranging transportation to and from treatment, all the way to finding ways to manage appearance-related side effects from chemotherapy. Making Strides also aspires to empower people by giving them the tools to make their voices heard in important legislation tied to help fight cancer.

Courtesy: Making Strides

Each Making Strides community hosts different events to openly give much needed support and awareness. The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk is the most notable event and part of the organization’s namesake. Making Strides of Leon is having their walk on Sunday, October 18th at 3:00pm (registration begins at 1 p.m.). Our beautiful local spot, Cascades Park will be hosting the event on their grounds.  Each walk Making Strides walk varies between 3 and 5 miles. Making Strides of Leon will be having a 5k, which is approximately 3.1 miles. Don’t worry, this isn’t a race! Both walking and running are totally fine and completing the walk isn’t necessary if you aren’t able. The best thing is that anybody can participate! Participants can join teams to help fundraise for the walk. This makes for the perfect opportunity to create awesome team uniforms with friends, family and co-workers.

Courtesy: Tallahassee Scene

If doing the 5k isn’t quite your thing, you can always fund someone who is walking or make donations to their team. You can also volunteer at the check-in area, water stations, information area and more. Currently, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Leon has 161 teams and over 50 participants that collectively raised $26,938 to help fund research. Collectively, the entire organization raises over $60 million a year to help the cause. So mark your calendars for October 18th to support and celebrate inspiring people, all while striding towards a cure!

Snacks and refreshments will be provided, as well as entertainment from company dancers at Tallahassee Dance. If you have any questions about Making Strides, registering to walk or becoming a volunteer, please visit their website, Facebook page or contact (850)-297-0588.

Daniella is a senior at Florida State University, double majoring in Communications and English with a concentration in Editing, Writing and Media. She aspires to work as a writer at a publication dedicated to fashion, art, pop culture, and overall creativity. In her spare time she enjoys drawing, watching films, discovering new music, and contemplating life in the shower.
Her Campus at Florida State University.