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Trying to Eat Healthy During the Holidays as Told by ‘Stranger Things 2’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

*WARNING: This article may contain spoilers from Stranger Things season two!*

Attempting to stay healthy during the holidays is almost as hard as figuring out why Barb’s story seemed to be completely overlooked in Season 1. In most cases, it’s hardly ever worth trying to avoid. And telling the holiday calories to “Go away” would work as effectively as Will trying to use that same tactic from Bob.

When you see all the holiday drinks at Starbucks.

I’m looking at you Gingerbread Latte, Chestnut Praline Latte, Christmas Cookie Latte, Caramel Brûlée Latte, Eggnog Latte, Pumpkin Spice Latte and Peppermint Mocha Latte. All the flavors in those super cute fun cups. It’s all fun and games at this point. Life is good when you’re sipping on a Peppermint Mocha and loving the holiday vibe…

…but then you look at those pesky calories, and now you can’t un-see how many exist in those cups of holiday magic. It’s shocking because how much bad could really be in something so good?

Scrolling through Pinterest looking at all the recipes.

Yummy cranberry and chocolate-covered pretzels! ’Tis the season for baking fun things and becoming the Pinterest-er you’ve always wanted to be.

Then, you realize that the main ingredient in all of them is sugar, and that sugar is the enemy of every healthy-eating regimen, so the fact that there is tons of sugar all up in these fun holiday dishes, treats and beverages is really heartbreaking.

When your mom makes your favorite Thanksgiving foods.

Stuffing, cranberry sauce, that really good pie you love and more—it’s all so close you can almost taste it.

Flash forward to after it’s all been eaten and you’ve devoured way more than necessary. You look at your post-meal belly in the mirror and realize more crunches and cardio are in your future.

Taking pictures of food to put on your Instagram/Snapchat stories is always a necessary part of being a basic holiday chick. Any cupcake, cookie or other treat is too cute not to put on your story, so you get all “professional photographer” on your story like it’s your baby boy dressed as a Ghostbuster.

You look at it later and realize it doesn’t fit into a “healthy” lifestyle. It was most definitely not a healthy acai bowl. It was a fat-heavy, low-fiber, cookie or cake, but it was oh-so-delicious, so it’s all good in the holiday hood.

But let’s face it, it’s strange to be on a health-kick during the holidays.

*All GIFs courtesy of Giphy.

Miami, FL 
Her Campus at Florida State University.