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A Thank You Letter to Our 44th President, Barack Obama

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Though the phrase “thanks, Obama” originated as a way to blame anything and everything on our 44th president, the words have recently taken on a more nostalgic and sentimental note. As his presidency comes to a close, the expression “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone” hits a little too close to home. Though Trump has since been inaugurated, I would like to take a moment to genuinely thank President Barack Obama. I feel honored and blessed to have come of age under his presidency. Our generation has had the unique opportunity of seeing the first African American man elected president during such a formative period in our lives and though that has certainly not been the defining characteristic of this presidency, it is a milestone in history and in our lives.

President Obama is not a perfect man, and I will be one of the first to agree that neither he, nor any of his predecessors, has had a perfect presidency. All politics aside, however, President Obama has handled his eight years in office with grace and dignity. He embodies all the exemplary traits of a respectable politician; diligence, compassion, humor, and humility, all traits that have helped shape me as a person. His elegance and poise has shown me that you can still be respectful in the face of adversity and that goals can be accomplished even when the world is against you.

He taught our generation that you can be a part of this great nation, regardless of your race, gender, sexuality, religion or anything else that might set you apart. Thank you for trying to create a nation for the people, by the people; by being an advocate for women’s rights, the LGBTQ+ community and the millennial generation.

Courtesy: Biography.com


Thank you for not only fighting for us, but to better us; for working towards an, albeit not perfect, but affordable health care plan, marriage equality, renewable energy and a better education system. Thank you for fostering an environment where dissenters could speak their minds and encouraging in me an intrinsic desire to learn about the decisions you were making for our country. Thank you for exemplifying all the pillars of our already great democratic nation: hard work, perseverance and representation. Thank you for investing in our future as a country and for continuing to be a beacon of hope even after you leave the White House.

People will take any opportunity to criticize and bash those in power in an effort to deflect blame off of themselves. At this point in time it is hard to truly know the long-lasting effects of Obama’s presidency, but I am hopeful that one day I will be able to proudly tell my children about how I grew up during his time in office when they learn about it in school. I’m not an expert in politics, but as I grow older I’m learning what matters to me, and thanks to President Obama, I know that I can use my voice to speak up for what I believe in, and that means more to me than any politics ever could.

A Media and Communications Studies & Spanish double major with an unhealthy love for corgis. 
Her Campus at Florida State University.