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Thais Bello: Aspiring Attorney General of Florida

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Thais Bello

Hometown: Born in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. Arrived at the age of 7 to Miami, FL and been there ever since.

Year: Senior

Major: Political Science & International Affairs

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Courtesy: Thais Bello

Her Campus (HC): Since we are coming out of the Halloween weekend, what did you dress up as?

Thais Bello (TB): I’m going as a pit stop girl. Those ones that change the wheels out and oil and gas at the speedway.

HC: Sounds fun! So double majoring? What made you go with both of those?

TB: I really enjoy learning about the laws of the U.S. government and of foreign governments as well. It’s all fascinating to me.

HC: Are you involved in any extracurricular activities that tie in with your love of learning?

TB: I’m the parliamentarian of Phi Theta Kappa, an honor society for transfer students, and I try to help the incoming transfers make the best of all the resources available here at FSU. I’m also an intern for State Representative Manny Diaz Jr., I have been learning about the education sector and the politics of legislation from his work and even got the chance to intern at the Capitol in the spring. I’ve been interning with him for about two years now.

Courtesy: Thais Bello

HC: It seems you are really involved and are taking advantage of all the opportunities you get. What would you like to do in the future?

TB: Thank you. Well after law school and a couple of years of experience in the field, I would like to be Florida attorney general.

HC: What advice would you give to the freshman this year?

TB: To get hands on experience in the field they wish to specialize in. My internship has guided me in the right path and it’s definitely very motivating to practice what you learn in class.

HC: Do you know any tips to make Tallahassee the best place to go for college?

TB: I would advise students to learn more about Tallahassee, it’s a very fun to explore. I recommend they make use of all the available opportunities offered to students as early as possible.

Courtesy: Thais Bello

HC: What’s a hidden gem of Tallahassee?

TB: Maclay Gardens.

HC: Tell us three things people wouldn’t know about you by looking at you!

TB: I did figure skating for a couple of years, I miss the Daily News & The Colbert Report terribly and I enjoy working on cars with my boyfriend.

FSU graduate student, born and raised in Japan, has an obsessive affinity with tea and cats. Spends her free time reading magazines in her collage-plastered room or ranting about feminism and existentialism to peers. Perhaps in the future Megan will be an editor at a magazine, or something equally as cool and dramatic. Check out her website at meganmmcclain.com
Her Campus at Florida State University.