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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Spring semester is the longest of all semesters in collegiate life and perhaps a month ago, you didn’t think that you could make it this far. But before that (two months ago), you thought you wouldn’t make it and maybe even a year ago, you contemplated leaving it all behind and “racking up” some other (immoral) way—but here you stand. Indeed, here you are, stronger than ever as a result of a sum of semesters that you swore on everything that you could not endure.

I assume that I speak for the majority of scholars when I say that spring break was far too brief, but nevertheless, very well-needed and hopefully we’ve brought back the same spring break energy and vigor back to school to complete the rest of the torment. *cough* I mean, valuable education for the betterment of our futures.  

Courtesy: Giphy

Now, it is time to get back to the basics, whether you are a student hanging on to the last bit of motivation for dear life to finish off the semester as strongly as you intended or you are unfazed by the break that just teased scholars state-wide in aspiration of a well-deserved and anticipated summer break (don’t mean to be insensitive to those taking summer courses; shout out and kudos to y’all).

However, I can’t be the only individual who got WAY too comfortable during spring break, almost as if school was completely over. We have a whole month and a half left and yet, I have already started to clear out my binder.

Courtesy: Tumblr

We’re almost there—I had to pep-talk myself into the reality that I’m not quite there yet, but “almost there” is going to have to suffice as encouragement to compete, with undeniable prestige, the remainder of this spring semester without breaking any new year resolutions of a successful turnout.

With midterms out of the way, it could go two ways from here: smooth or rough, and there is no in between. In preparation for a combination of final papers, projects, labs and exams, we must channel the thriving scholar that lies deep within us. The scholar that never accepts “no” for an answer and looks at “impossible” straight in the eye, only to hypnotize it to the submission point of “possible.”

Springtime appears to be so beautiful and blossoming in an attempt to make up for the rather unsightly spring semester’s late night studying, tears and anxiety. As the season changes (after the winter quits making a comeback), we, too, must change our attitudes that may have automatically slipped and fallen into auto-summer-break mode. Getting back into the groove is hard but not impossible. Trigger your inner ‘Nole and thrive as we always have. With the right mindset, we can finish off this semester strongly and have something worth celebrating longer than what spring break permitted.

Her Campus at Florida State University.