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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Midterms Week: three essays haunting my dreams, an infinite list of assignments that never seems to fade, classes that, for some reason, grade on attendance and life that does not cease to take a breather. Stress is at an all-time high through the streets of Florida State this week. What can we do? How can we deal with this stress without ignoring all of our responsibilities and binge-watching The Big Bang Theory

I have had a 101 guide on how to combat stress in my back pocket ever since I began my torturous days in the IB program my freshman year of high school. Growing up in school, I was never blessed with the gift of understanding everything taught to me; I had to teach myself lessons, study more and devote a good chunk of time to just doing OK in school. Stress has been no stranger in my life. I have begun to see stress as that friend you are always on edge with, as to not hurt their feelings. So, here is my 101 guide on how to combat stress. 

Step one: As daunting as it may be, list everything you have to do throughout the week. 

List everything out. Everything! Things as important as studying for an exam that will determine whether you pass or fail your class or as simple as making sure you say good morning to your roommate should all be included. Having a routine prompts one to stick to their responsibilities and ignore the distractions that beckon your name. 

Step two: Before you launch yourself into the pile of stress, take a deep breath.

Your mental health must always come first. Let someone know if you need an extension on any assignments or are on the brink of having a total mental breakdown. There is no use in overworking a soul that is tired and defeated. Take a deep breath and take care of yourself before anything else. 

Step three: Start your BIG intricate tasks first, or at least start them in the first place. 

Big scary tasks that lie under your bed become less intimidating if they are broken down into tiny cute lovable tasks. For example, this week I had a six-page essay due Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. Rather than writing it all in one sleep-deprived night, I opted to write a paragraph every day. Starting big tasks like assignments or even cleaning a week before it must be done reduces stress significantly. 

Step Four: After reducing big tasks into smaller parts, incorporate everything else within your daily schedule.

Recently, I have noticed all the free time available throughout the week. If it is the twenty-minute walk to the building that is now free of mold (the Williams Building), or that 10 minute wait inside my car waiting outside my friends’ apartment after getting the “omw to your car” text. These minutes fly away and become a waste of time; however, using this time to read that reading for class or respond to your supervisors’ email could be amazing in reducing stress. This time would have been wasted in another universe, and you would still have been stressed. 

Step Five: Know that you can do this. 

As cliche and overused this advice might be, stress comes and goes. You can handle anything put in your path. Believing in yourself is a step closer to combating stress present throughout this week and any other week after it. Remind yourself that you can do it! 

Even if midterms are slowly crawling back into their cave, this guide is helpful with any type of stress, if it is school, relationships or work. Just pick and choose what works for you and watch your stress disappear. If not, get your money back! 

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Hellooooo, My name is Solymar Estrella and this is my second semester at FSU. I am studying Editing, Writing, and Media, I still don't know my minor yet. I am from sunny Sarasota, Florida, and enjoy writing, watching movies, and listening to music. I am an Aries with a Scorpio moon so I guess you could say I look like I would kill you, but I am a cinnamon roll!