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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

If you are a part of fashion TikTok you may have seen users claiming Urban Outfitters is in its “Flop” era. Urban Outfitters is a trendy brand catering to young adults. They consistently hit the mark, and typically have a plethora of trendy pieces. So why suddenly are they “Flopping”?

The answer is in TikTok’s promotion of microtrends and amplification of fast fashion. Before Tiktok, fast fashion was predominantly promoted through Instagram. The typical Instagram trends tended to be seasonal like the Pumpkin Spice Latte Tumblr trend. However, now on Tiktok, trends tend to contradict each other, and viewers are constantly playing catch up to appear trendy. Viewers will come across helpful style guides but are subject to creators telling them what styles are in and out. The virality of Tiktok fashion and the critique of viral clothing items impacts the speed of trends. When a piece like the House of Sunny dress goes viral the piece becomes rapidly overdone. These pieces become the outfit from TikTok rather than a long-lasting staple in your closet. The speed of trends is troubling for consumers but is also a big problem for established brands like Urban Outfitters.

Consumers have millions of clothing producers a click away, many with same-day or next-day delivery. But only a few online retailers can keep up with the speed of microtrends. The disconnect between the trends consumers see daily and what’s available online is causing consumers to have trouble navigating fashion trends. Furthermore, producers are struggling to design and manufacture clothing to stay on-trend. Brands like Urban Outfitters had a reputation for being the trendiest but are now struggling to compete with the new fast-fashion giant Shein. In just a matter of days, Shein can produce clothing that coincides with trends from TikTok. Shein has taken off on TikTok because of its speed of production. Meanwhile, Urban Outfitters represents the Instagram era of fast fashion. Their pieces are refreshed every season. Their cycling of clothing is due in large part to their production timeline which can’t currently produce on the scale Shein can. By not meeting the trends timeline, Urban Outfitters’ selection is out of date and features previously trendy pieces.

Unfortunately for fans of Urban Outfitters, their production timeline is not the only obstacle preventing them from staying relevant. One substantial problem Urban Outfitters is facing is that they only cater to teenage trends. They don’t have a clear brand or distinct style. Unfortunately, UO is putting its efforts elsewhere rather than reinventing its brand and creating a style unique to its shoppers.

Urban Outfitters is testing new ways to stand out in the crowd. To do so they now have a UO Mrkt that sells vintage items and allows people to become sellers. UO Mrkt is an attempt to compete with online marketplaces like Depop. While UO Mrkt place is a cool idea, it feels like a desperate attempt to stay relevant. The online thrifting scene is dominated by Poshmark, Depop and designer marketplaces like The Real Real. Because of this, Urban Outfitters will struggle yet again to find a niche. The money and time spent to start a new marketplace distracts Urban Outfitters from its true market. If Urban Outfitters fails to determine a new unique brand, it will continue to “flop” and lose traction in the marketplace.

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I'm a Junior double majoring in Marketing and Management Information Systems at Florida State University. I love vegan food, traveling, and listening to music!