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A Year of Reflection: 22 Things I Learned in 2022

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

After a year like 2022, with many good and bad memories, a few lessons were learned along the way. I learned many valuable lessons this year in many different areas of my life like dating, friendships, school and even becoming a healthier version of myself. After all this, I vowed to go into 2023 with these lessons in mind to become a better and stronger version of myself. Therefore, these are the 22 lessons that I learned in 2022.

1. Do not go backward.

Your feet were placed in front of you and not behind you for a good reason. Going backward in life will do you no good and in the end, will only ever hurt you. Push yourself to take the first step forward and find the strength to keep going.

2. Stop taking things away from your life and start adding.

I was taught this when I was dieting and trying to lose weight when realized that this lesson could apply to multiple areas of life. Instead of trying to eradicate every bad thing in your life, try adding some good things instead, and focus on the positive.

3. It’s no one’s business what you weigh.

My weight and what I do with it is my choice and no one else’s. If I want to lose weight, then I’ll lose weight. If I want to gain weight, then I’ll gain weight. If I don’t care and just want to live life, then I should do that. It’s my weight, and what I weigh or how I deal with it only matters to me.

4. Your problems are not geographical.

Moving far away will not fix your problems no matter how hard you try. Stay where you are and find joy there before going anywhere else.

5. Finding a boyfriend is not going to solve all my problems.

Thinking that finding the perfect man will help me with my problems is just another roundabout way of avoiding them. All it will do is dump my problems onto someone else, creating more in the end.

6. It’s better to be single than to be with someone who doesn’t value me.

Dating is hard and we all know it but settling for someone who doesn’t value me will only hurt me in the end. The loneliest I will ever be is feeling unseen in a relationship.

7. You can love yourself without hating someone else.

Learn to respect and love yourself on your own time, without anyone else. Do so without hatred towards anyone else, no matter what they’ve done to you in the past. Loving yourself at the expense of someone else will not help you in the long run.

8. Know what you want and don’t be afraid to admit it.

Be true to yourself about what you want in life and go after it. Don’t be afraid of what other people think because in the end, only you can determine your future.

9. Insecure people will always find a way to degrade your strength.

Someone who doesn’t love themselves will always find a way to make you feel the same way. Don’t ever dim your lights so that someone feels like theirs shines brighter.

10. Your friends should support you, not tear you down.

Your friends should be happy about your success, not jealous and self-conscious. If your friend would rather see you fail and them succeed, then they are not your friend. Find friends who can see you win without feeling like they’re losing.

11. You don’t have to please everyone.

How people treat you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. You don’t owe anyone your time, energy or friendship, so stop trying to please the people that give you none.

12. You’re never going to be perfect.

You will always be fighting for that better version of yourself, and sooner rather than later, find out that you will never reach that level of perfection. We are always changing and becoming a new and better version of ourselves. Stop telling yourself that you need to constantly be better, just be YOU.

13. You can be the best version of yourself and still be rejected.

Rejection does not define you. Someone might reject you even if you are the absolute best version of yourself and that’s because not everyone appreciates the same type of art. Don’t hate yourself and don’t hate them. Just learn to let go and move on.

14. Do not settle.

Don’t settle just because you feel like you have to or because your friends are telling you to. Keep your high standards and wait for your person, because believe it or not, they are out there.

15. Stop apologizing for existing.

Coming from someone who says “I’m sorry” when someone bumps into me, I get it. Push the incessant need to apologize for everything to the back of your mind and own your presence in every room.

16. Don’t trade your authenticity for approval.

Be yourself no matter what, even if other people don’t want you to. If you have to be someone else to belong, you should ask yourself if those are the people you want to be around.

17. Loving yourself is an active choice.

You have to wake up every day and make the conscious decision to love yourself, especially on the days you don’t want to. Anything becomes a habit if you do it enough.

18. It’s okay to want to be alone.

I mean this one in every sense. It’s okay if you don’t want to be social and just sit in your room and read that book or watch that tv show. It’s also okay to want to be single. Being single does not always mean actively looking for a relationship. Don’t feel bad for wanting to be alone, if even others tell you the opposite.

19. Comparison is the thief of joy.

Another person’s success or failure has nothing to do with you, so stop comparing yourself to them. Stop comparing your apples to their oranges, both have value.

20. Time spent with family is never wasted.

At the end of the day, you will always look back and wish you spent more time with your loved ones. Don’t sacrifice the time you have now for the time you might not have in the future.

21. There’s no substitute for hard work.

To get where you want to be, you will have to work hard. Stop trying to find a workaround for it. It’s inevitable and the longer you push it off, the harder the work will get.

22. You are the main character in your own story.

Your story is yours, and no one else’s. If you don’t like the story, write a different one. Create your own ending. No one’s stopping you.

While 2022 granted me these life lessons, I hope you can use them too. May 2023 grant us even more, and happy new year!

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Hey, I'm Kori! I'm a junior at Florida State University, majoring in Creative Writing and Marketing. I'm originally from Orlando, and in my spare time I love binge-watching rom-coms and reading whatever I can get my hands on!