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Meet Your New Best Friend: Jarryd Boyd

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Jarryd Boyd

Age: 21

Year: Senior

Hometown: Pensacola, FL

Major: Public Relations

Relationship Status: Single

Her Campus (HC): What was your first reaction when you found out you were being interviewed for Her Campus FSU’s Campus Cutie?

Jarryd Boyd (JB): I laughed a little and felt flattered. I wasn’t expecting it.

HC: You seem to be very involved on campus! Why is involvement important to you?

JB: I learn so much about others and the world we live in through my involvement. It makes me grow as a person and feel connected to others, plus I thrive off of being busy.

HC: Congratulations on becoming Assistant Director for Pride Student Union! How has being a member of Pride helped you with your experiences at FSU?

JB: Pride gives me a perspective on so many topics (such as gender, sexuality, oppression, societal norms, and acceptance) that I wouldn’t have gained from many other organizations. Most importantly, I’ve developed relationships and insights that have helped me love and accept myself more. Appreciating who I am has made all the difference.

HC: What kinds of values and qualities do you look for in a person to date?

JB: A guy with ambition and passion is always sexy. If he can be confident and hold a great conversation with some charm, he also has my attention. Lastly, being a decent communicator and being attentive both go a long way.

HC: If you could have coffee with anybody in the world who would it be and why?

JB: Oprah Winfrey. She has met such a vast amount of innovators, doers, creators and inspiring beings that I would love to soak all that in through her. Plus she has a great story on becoming successful.

HC: Your blog A Touch of Bold is so inspirational and admiring. Did you have any apprehensions about starting a blog that was so personal to you?

JB: When I first started blogging I didn’t have a clear cut vision or realize it would be so personal. One night I wrote this really emotional post that was simply vulnerable with unmasked feelings, and people really responded. Sometimes I will draft a post on a dating experience, a professional moment, or a moment close to my heart and wonder if I really want to go there. However, I know my experiences are sometimes the stories we should be talking more about, so I move forward with it and haven’t regretted any story.

HC: What is the best part about being a student at FSU?

JB: FSU is a great college town that changes each year in many ways but there is a lot to do off-campus. I really appreciate the amount of diversity and experiences we’re able to have at FSU and in Tallahassee compared to some other places. It’s been a lot of fun!

HC: Do you have any funny stories or favorite moments from your time at FSU as you are nearing the end of your college journey?

JB: A funny story is I used to have this huge crush on this guy my freshman year. I saw him while out at Menace Beach my sophomore year (when Side Bar was the Engine Room), and the music was so loud. Three times I yelled, “Do you want to dance?” and he said, “WHAT?” and after the final time, he heard me and said he had a boyfriend. It was still worth the risk, and I laugh about it. I have so many favorite moments. They mostly revolve around me and my friends surprising each other or simply having fun with no expectations.

HC: Do you have any advice for freshman starting out at FSU or for a student trying to find their identity in the chaos of attending a big university?

JB: Introduce yourself to lots of people and authentically get to know others. Know when people have your best intentions at heart and not just theirs. Explore different student groups, even when you feel scared to go to a meeting. The best advice I received was from a friend at Emory – hang out with friends/go to that random thing even though Netflix calls you. I can’t remember any time I regret taking that advice. It’s made college such an impactful four years.

Hollie Morey is a creative writing enthusiast, when she is not studying for her double major in communications and political science! In her free time, Hollie loves to curl up with a great novel or the latest edition of Glamour, as well as catch up on her favorite shows: Pretty Little Liars and Mad Men! Hollie has a particular interest in writing about fashion and local current events and can be found looking on Her Campus for great style tips or for ideas for things to do in Tallahassee!
Her Campus at Florida State University.