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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The new growing company, Kin Euphorics, is getting a lot of attention lately. Kin Euphorics is challenging all types of alcoholic drinks for the number one spot as consumers’ go-to social, daytime-to-nighttime beverage. The products offered by the company are two unique drinks that are full of ingredients such as Botanics, Adaptogens and Nootropics that come together to form a delicious “new category of nightlife beverage for conscious connection. For the times you need a mind-body boost to be social, but can’t afford to lose control or deal with a hangover.” Jen Batchelor, girl boss, founder, and CEO of Kin Euphorics is definitely creating a buzz. Pun intended.

Courtesy: Kin Euphorics

 So what exactly are these drinks?

According to Kin Euphorics’ Instagram, their specialty drinks are broadly termed “Euphorics”. Products range from the High Rhode, which is the “social tonic” to the Kin Spritz, the refreshing carbonated can for on-the-go drinking. They are non-alcoholic, vegan and designed to help you balance stress and stimulate pleasure so you can rise to your best self in any social gathering. It is not a CBD-infused drink contrary to popular belief, but a blend of both natural and synthetic herbal ingredients crafted in order to help you rise to your best self. It is gluten-free, sugar-free and only contains 6 calories per serving!

Courtesy: Kin Euphorics

What are these strange ingredients and how will they affect me?

Both High Rhode and Kin Spritz, which are Kin Euphorics’ only options to date, are concocted with adaptogens, Botanics and nootropics.

Adaptogens are herbs that help manage stress. Used for thousands of years, adaptogens adapt to what our bodies need by balancing cortisol, the hormone our brains produce in fight-or-flight mode. These are usually released when we have a tight deadline, startled by a car horn, or anxious about a first date. Think of them like a thermostat, turning us up or calming us down until we reach homeostasis.

Botanics are plants that are equal parts feeling, flavor and function. They harmonize with the adaptogens and nootropics to help Kin acclimate to the body smoothly.

Nootropics are compounds, which contain some natural ingredients and other synthetics that support cognition. Nootropics work by targeting specific neurotransmitters in the brain like dopamine and serotonin to produce effects. While nootropics have been historically used for the purposes of enhancing performance, Kin takes a recreational approach: using specifically formulated doses of 50-100mg so you get the benefits without overdoing it. All of the scientific research based on this new and exciting drink was found at Kin Euphorics online.

Courtesy: Jen Batchelor

Jen Batchelor, the woman who cooked up the idea of Kin Euphorics has received rave reviews from the press. She and her company have been featured on CNN Business, Vogue and even Forbes Magazine. Along with glowing press reviews, the everyday consumer has been thrilled as well. People who tried Kin described “a slightly buzzed feeling of euphoria.” They claim, “music sounded better” and all said that they woke up the next morning happy and ready to tackle the day.

Kin Euphorics

Kin Euphorics is targeting those who want the benefits of alcohol without the downsides. The company even shows off the versatility of their drinks promoting that they can be mixed with other fun-tasting add-ons to create many of the normally alcoholic drinks that are very popular. For example, a KinColada, Kin and Tonic and even Kin Cider are just some of the many options of mocktails one can make.

Expect to see much more of this blissful brand on your feeds! You can get on board with the movement by following their Instagram or even purchasing Kin Euphorics online!

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Her Campus at Florida State University.