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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Ever wondered how you can make waking up early not such a miserable ordeal that involves hitting snooze at least 20 times? Same here. Along with having more hours to complete that long to do list, waking up early comes with benefits like better grades, enhanced productivity, a sustained healthy diet and improved mental health (source: https://www.healthambition.com/benefits-of-waking-up-early/ )

If being an early riser has ever peaked your interest, I’ve compiled many ways you can do so. All it takes is some good old habit forming.

Courtesy: HerCampus


Start the day with something positive and productive

This is totally up to you! This can be working out first thing, making your breakfast and coffee, a yoga routine, writing down 3 things you’re grateful for, listening to an uplifting podcast, etc. This will set the tone for the day and also give you something to look forward to in the morning.

Place your alarm somewhere that forces you to get up to turn it off

This is what helped me the most. This makes you get up out of bed so you’re more likely to stay up. While you’re up, it’s also recommended to open up a window or go outside to expose yourself to sunlight. This helps to naturally wake you up.

Courtesy: House Beautiful


Make your bed

Make this part of your morning routine. It’s a task that gets accomplished and can set a productive tone for the day. This also makes it so you can’t easily roll back into bed.

Ease into it

Try making this change not so drastic by starting to wake up at 5am when you usually sleep in until 11am. Try waking up 15 minutes earlier each day until you get to your desired wake up time.

Courtesy: Wall Street Oasis


Make a schedule

Set a time for yourself to start getting ready for bed, turn off all technology (as blue light disrupts sleep) and turn all lights off. You can make helpful alarms in your phone to be reminded.

Prepare the night before

This makes waking up incredibly easier since it doesn’t seem like you just have a long to do list in the morning. Try laying down your outfit, organizing your book bag, or even preparing your breakfast (here’s some overnight oats recipes: http://wholefully.com/2016/03/07/8-classic-overnight-oats-recipes-you-should-try/ ).

Courtesy: Tallrock.net


Most importantly, go to sleep early!

Probably the most obvious tip. You’ll get your recommended amount of sleep and you won’t be so grumpy in the morning. 

Natalie is a Junior at Florida State University majoring in Food and Nutrition Science. She has always had an interest in writing and wants to use it as a means of educating people on their nutrition, and their physical and mental health. She is an avid procrastinator and a coffee mug hoarder. Besides science and health education, her loves include Colombian food, The Office, and corgis. Feel free to check her out on instagram: @natalieduranduran 
Her Campus at Florida State University.