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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Greetings lovers, my name is Maria Jimenez. I am a junior at The Florida State University who has been around the block more than a few times, but am now in a great relationship and learning what love really is. I am here to answer all your questions and to give you the lowdown on hot, new dorm flings, the trying long distance relationship and how to master the walk of shame. Keep up with me for the best love, sex and relationship advice.

We all want love and someone to hold, but sometimes we witness friends jumping out of one relationship only to enter another one. It seems like they didn’t have time to breathe before pursuing someone new. It is most likely their insecurities that do not allow them to live without relying on another human being. It takes time to reflect on a relationship to make yourself emotionally available again. It takes time to see what you did wrong and what the other person did wrong. It takes time to see if you will get over them. As females, it’s in our nature to want to change males, especially the ones we date. We want everything to be perfect in our life and relationship. If entering a new relationship too soon, it might be that you just want the attention and will be unsatisfied if it’s not from the one you are still hung up on. 

Courtesy: Lifehack


If it is attention that you want, chances are you’re settling for your second choice. The word settling makes me uneasy –  we should all live life to the fullest and always try to be happy. If we are not happy then we limit ourselves and don’t make the best of life in the moment. Don’t fear what will happen if you are single, rather embrace it. Learn how to love yourself before you love another person. Find what makes you happy and see how you want to live your life. Do not try to fill the hole of a man in your life and you will eliminate that hole all together. When you do find the one, it will be a rich and fulfilling relationship. The time you spent alone will be worth it because you are ready to love inside and out.

Just remember ladies: quality is better than quantity. Sometimes it is good to be Miss Independent.

Standing at a whopping five feet tall, she's a force to be reckoned with. If you can't find her she is watching reality tv or face first in a burrito.
Her Campus at Florida State University.