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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

As an international platform, Netflix provides viewers the chance to watch shows from different countries. Spanish shows have been making waves, so you’ve probably heard of the first show on this list. Let’s start with a basic: 

Money Heist

If you haven’t watched Money Heist, stop reading this and go watch it now. Money Heist is about eight thieves that make an elaborate plan to try and rob a Spanish bank, Ministerio de Fomento. This series was the first big Spanish series on Netflix to receive international attention. Money Heist was translated into multiple languages and even got a Korean remake. Not enough good things can be said about this show, but if I had to name a few: The character development is phenomenal, the settings are amazing and the writing is perfect. The show is broken up into five parts (seasons), but if you’re a trooper, The series can be finished in a couple of weeks. This show has had a lasting impact on the Latin community. My family and I even named our dog after one of the main characters, Rio. 

A reality option:

I Am Georgina

I love this show. I Am Georgina is about this woman
 named Georgina (shocker I know.) She is the long-term partner of Cristiano Ronaldo, the famous soccer player. The show is about her life, and how she has experienced the lowest of the lows and the highest of highs. Season two recently came out and she opened up about the joys of her new baby, but also the loss of one of her children. She sheds light on her community work and how much she does for children in need. She gives the audience some reality TV show aspects by filming on her private jet and taking us to all her designer dress fittings. I love this show because it gives me my reality TV fix while also giving me inspiration for what I want my life to be like in the future, however unrealistic that may be. 

Murder mystery:

Who Killed Sara

This was a new show my dad and I found while trying to look for a show to watch while eating dinner. We didn’t know if it was going to be good or bad, but I am so glad we clicked on it. It’s definitely on the dramatic side but we find it captivating. It’s about a murder that took place years ago but the “murderer” who was also her brother finally gets out of jail and tries to find the real killer. It goes on for a few seasons, but you eventually find out who really killed Sara. It has several different side storylines that are equally as good as the main one and the show does a fantastic job of seamlessly jumping back and forth between the past and present. I would recommend this show if you enjoy a good mystery and can handle a bit of drama.

There are so many more Spanish shows that deserve love, but these are my favorite ones. I personally recommend watching them with the original audio and turning on English subtitles. I feel like the shows are much better in the original language and just have a more impactful effect on the viewer. 

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Hi!!! I'm Sam, I'm a freshman at Florida State. I joined HerCampus to connect with people, make friends, and write interesting stuff. I'm from Tampa but my family is Venezuelan so naturally I love the beach and listening to Bad Bunny.