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Coronavirus: All of the Updates That You Need to Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

As time goes on, there have been many updates on Coronavirus, who it has affected and what each country is doing to prevent it from spreading any more than it has. It should be noted that many doctors and medical professionals claim that this virus is not as harmful as it may seem depending on the treatment plan and how quickly it can be detected. Health Officials want people to remain alert about this health situation, as no one knows what may happen. 

Chinese man with medical mask
Photo by Macau Photo Agency
While across the country there has been just one fatality due to this virus among 300+ cases. China has seen over 1,400 deaths overall, with last Sunday harboring close to 100 deaths. Being that they have not been able to slow down or contain this virus, people are worried that this is just the start of it becoming something much worse. For more information on China dealing with the deadliest day from Coronavirus, check out this link.

Aside from China, as of Feb. 14, COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in China, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam, the United States, France, Australia, Malaysia, Nepal, Germany, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Finland, India, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, Italy, Russia, Sweden, Spain, Belgium and Egypt. With the number of people affected rapidly growing, it is a concern for government officials across the globe to take all of the necessary safety precautions. Many of the more recent cases have been reported from Japan, an island not far from China. The two reported deaths outside of China were in Japan and the Philippines. 

In an attempt to spread awareness, China has created an application that is available for people to download on their phones that can tell them the likelihood of them getting infected along with if they have been in close contact with someone who has most likely been infected by Coronavirus. According to Charlotte Jee, this app has the ability to reach many people, being that the Chinese government is known to keep a close eye on its citizens through technology. With this does come controversy and backlash. Many question the intentions of this app, and some even say that this is giving the people of China a false sense of security against this rapidly growing virus. 

green virus
As for how other countries are taking initiative and combatting this problem, people who are arriving on planes and trains are sprayed down and sanitized before entering. These safety precautions are important, and the United Nations notes that everyone and every country is doing the best that they can about containing this new Coronavirus. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) is doing its best to keep people across the globe as informed as possible. They want people to be alert, not anxious. By posting their updated findings on every possible detail about this virus, people can begin to educate themselves without relying on the tragic deaths of others to start paying attention. To keep yourself in the loop and up to date on what is happening with Coronavirus, keep checking WHO’s twitter for more. 

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Hi! I'm Alexa and I am a junior here at Florida State University. I am majoring in English - specializing in Editing, Writing and Media and minoring in Communications. I am so excited to be a new Staff Writer here at Her Campus!
Her Campus at Florida State University.