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Confessions of a Pescetarian

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

We’re back with another themed week on the site: Food Week. This semester, Her Campus FSU has created themed weeks dedicated to exclusive content we believe all of our readers should have access to. Keep up on the site for the next few days as we cover everything from the best brunch spots in Tallahassee to a complete recount of what went down when one of our staff writers decided to cook a meal in her dishwasher (yes, it’s a thing and yes, she actually tried it). Don’t miss out!  

The infamous: “Why did you decide to become a vegetarian?”

First off, we aren’t bombarding you with questions about your life decisions. I have never gone up to anyone who eats meat and asked, “So why do you like to eat steak?” Second, can we just do something because we like it? Or is that just asking too much? Third, yes we probably have hopes of ending animal cruelty and just living happier, healthier lives—but that doesn’t mean you can stare at us like we’ve committed a sin when the words, “I’m a vegetarian,” leave our mouth. I can’t speak for every single veg head in the nation, but at least for those I have met, we don’t really like to be asked, “So why are you a vegetarian?” And by “don’t really like” I mean we would rather throw you in a tree and leave you there than jump into this convo for the millionth time. Actually, we probably couldn’t lift you up to throw you because there is no way we are eating enough protein.

The food another person consumes doesn’t have to be questioned on a regular basis or justified for that matter. We aren’t asking everyone to make the same choices, but let us live in peace with ours. We are tired of hearing; Man you’re missing out. You know vegetables are alive too? What the hell do you eat at Chick fil A?

We don’t think we’re missing out on anything! No one forced us to do this, we made this decision. Also, trying to compare the pain of an apple to the pain of a cow is all together too frustrating for me.

Just so you know, black bean burgers are life. And I am personally satisfied with my large lemonade from good ol’ Chick fil A. Also just a life hack: Guac’ is FREE at chipotle if you order a veggie burrito bowl (you’re welcome).

The Transition from Omnivore to Herbivore

Okay, I’m going to be honest with you guys. Technically, I am a Pescetarian (this is equally if not more frustrating to explain). I still haven’t said my farewells to sushi. Occasionally, I still eat fish and other seafood. When I first made the decision to stop eating meat I felt like I had to do it all at once or else I fail. I need to let you guys in on a little secret… There is not a police force that is going to infiltrate your favorite restaurant if you break vegetarian code. The most you’ll get is a strange look from your friends accompanied by a shrug because they cannot and will not imagine a life without all the food they love to eat. (And for me, I’ll get the various questions centered around are you eating a balanced diet from my mom, but those are sprinkled with love so I don’t mind those).

The truth is, I’m going to become a vegan, but I’m doing it at my pace and my comfort. Any change to your lifestyle to make it better is in your hands. And if you’re deciding to change your diet to make a better impact on the environment and other living animals lives, then you’re already making a difference. Small steps. 

Courtesy: Tumblr

Forget the labels, eat what you want and let others do the same.

Tabitha is the type to spend two hours deciding what she wants for dinner but two seconds on deciding to hug a stranger. She believes in good people and good energy. Currently trying to make sense of the world and writing helps her accomplish that. She is a Creative Writing and Public Relations major with a minor in French at FSU.  She was made for adventures. She is determined to travel all over this planet-- making memories, making friends, and making meaning. 
Her Campus at Florida State University.