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How I Practice Self-Care During Finals Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Ah, yes, finals season in college. That magical time of year when students across the country experience a simultaneous breakdown of their mental and academic capabilities. Now being a seasoned survivor of past college finals seasons, I’m not going to let this time of year push me over (and step on me and chew me up) because I have been able to come up with a non-negotiable checklist that I will be following closely.

First things first, let’s talk about my sleep. Yes, I am very guilty of pulling all-nighters and mainlining caffeine like it’s going out of style, but I’ve learned that my brain and body will thank me for getting some rest. And when I say sleep, I mean actual sleep, not just closing my eyes for a few minutes while I wait for my Monster and eight-hour energy duo to kick in. So, I force myself to put down the books, turn off the laptop, and get cozy in my favorite pair of pajamas. I always wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever exam or paper comes my way.

Speaking of pajamas, let’s talk about clothing in general. Look, I’m all for dressing to impress, but during finals season, I always say comfort is key. So, I will be throwing on the sweatpants that I’ve had since high school, digging out the oversized hoodie that I stole from my ex, and don’t even get me started with makeup. For the next week or so, I will be embracing my inner sloth. My stress levels will also be thanking me.

Now, on the topic of food. When I’m studying for finals, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of surviving solely on junk food and caffeine. And while there’s nothing wrong with the occasional bag of Doritos or Red Bull, my body usually thanks me for fueling it with something a little more substantial. So, I will be forcing myself to take a break from my studies, whip up a healthy meal (or order in because I’m lazy), and savor every bite. My brain will be thanking me for the extra nutrients, and my stomach will be thriving while not full of garbage.

But I’ve noticed that my self-care isn’t just about the physical. It’s also about taking care of my mental and emotional health. So, I will be taking a break from studying as much as possible and doing something that brings me joy. Whether it’s binge-watching my favorite show (Grey’s Anatomy for the third time), going for a walk, or just taking a nap, I need to make sure I am taking time for myself. And most importantly I will not allow myself to feel guilty about it! I deserve a break after all the hard work I’ve been putting in.

Finally, let’s talk about my mindset. It’s so easy for me to get bogged down in the stress and anxiety of finals season, but I keep reminding myself that this is just a temporary state of being. I will get through this. I am capable. I am strong. And when it’s all over, I will emerge victorious, with a newfound appreciation for the power of self-care.

But being completely real with myself, sometimes even the best self-care practices aren’t enough to combat the stress of finals season. That’s why I have set myself up with a strong support system. When things start to feel overwhelming again, I take a step back and just breathe.

So, there you have it, my friends, my imperative and non-negotiable finals season college checklist. This list might be the only way I stay sane and make it out in one piece at the end of the semester. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to take a nap in that oversized hoodie I was telling you about. Happy studying!

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2nd year at FSU ~ nursing major!