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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

On-campus events are back in full swing, and the Azalea and Magnolia halls understood the assignment. The Az/Mag Bowling Alley Takeover was a huge success, starting off the year with a bang (and a bowl). Talking with the Az/Mag Hall Council, I got the inside scoop on what it takes to plan an event and how it all comes to life. More than 50 residents came to show off their bowling skills and to grub on some yummy pizza. What better way to destress from the first month of classes than Momo’s Pizza and swinging heavy bowling balls around? 

Az/Mag Hall Council President Cade Deputy revealed that it’s a blast to plan events like this one for the residents and that a lot of thought is put into them. “Everyone has a part to play; we want to make sure there’s something for everyone, especially if you have dietary restrictions or a disability. We take care of our dormmates,” mentioned Deputy. After making sure everything is ordered and booked, advertising takes care of the rest. 

Residents had the entire bowling alley and pool room booked for a true night out. The speakers were playing classic 2000s hits, and everyone was singing along. There was a resident hitting strike after strike at one of the lanes I stopped by, he claimed it was his first time ever bowling. Their lying skills weren’t as good as their aim, but I’ll let them have this one. I didn’t do too bad myself, and by that I mean, I hit at least one pin every time! You can either be super cool and funny, or good at bowling, and I’m always number one.

Momo’s Pizza really wasn’t lying when they said the slices were as big as your head either. No one’s arms were tired enough to keep them from grabbing as much as they could though. I’d say this was one of the best parts of the whole night, eating together and telling jokes and stories. Although the free food doesn’t hurt, nothing beats time spent with friends. That’s another huge plus to these hall events, you can invite your friends to join you even if they don’t live in your hall. These events are never meant to exclude, only bring Florida State University students together as one body. 

The event was a perfect opportunity for residents to come and network together. That’s what the Inter-Residence Hall Council (IRHC) is all about, creating safe spaces for residents. The IRHC is an amazing organization that places a council in each on-campus dorm hall, with the sole purpose of representing on-campus residents. If you’re an on-campus resident, consider applying this fall of 2023 to be on your hall’s council. It’s a great addition to a resume and an incredible experience to gain leadership skills. 

If you’re an on-campus resident and you want to be a part of cool events surrounded by your community, make sure to look into events being held by your Hall Council! Each residence hall holds monthly events so keep an eye out for more fun times with friends.

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I'm a second-year majoring in Public Relations. I'm an avid writer, although my niche is my personal column that recommends songs and new upcoming artists. I love making Spotify playlists, Pinterest poetry and all things Taylor Swift!