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3 Things About FSU That I Had To Get Used To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

College is weird and strange and fun, and it’s been the best, most interesting three years of my life. Before these were the best, most interesting years of my life, I was very iffy about Tallahassee. I didn’t love it here right away. It was so hot and humid, the campus was so unusual and scary, and Tallahassee was just kind of an odd place. I remember telling my friends early on that I didn’t like it here one bit. I couldn’t wait to go home.

However, that all changed for me pretty quickly. The weather got a little nicer, and I started to see more of the campus and the city. It turns out, I actually kinda like it here! Though these aren’t necessarily bad, there are some strange things I had to get used to.

Bad Drivers

If you take the time to do a little bit of research into FSU, undoubtedly, something about drivers will come up. Honestly, whatever you’ve heard about Tallahassee drivers (especially around the FSU area) is probably true.


The real thing you have to look out for, though, are the jaywalkers. As a semi-casual jaywalker myself, I thought most people who cross the street where they technically aren’t supposed to are looking both ways and making sure there aren’t any cars around when they cross. That’s actually not the case at all.

Jaywalking is very efficient, I can admit that. It’s super timesaving to cross at a green light when there aren’t any cars coming on a more low-key road. What you really have to watch out for (and I mean really watch out because they’ll come out of nowhere) are the people who start crossing at a green light when they can see you coming. I’ve made direct eye contact with so many people, and I know they see me coming. They know that I know they see me, and it’s a battle of wills to see who’s going to stop. I’ll give you a hint: It’s me. I’ll stop. Every time.


Not to bring up parking again because I know everyone at FSU has a problem with parking, but genuinely, I’ve had the strangest experiences with people in the FSU garages. The almost violent competition for parking spots definitely took some getting used to. There’s nothing quite like watching the car in front of you slowly creep behind someone studiously trying to avoid eye contact while they walk to their car, and then watching another car swoop in to grab the spot super last minute. I’ve spent well over 30 minutes driving up and down every floor of the St. Augustine Garage when they close the top floors for events, and it’s for sure a dog-eat-dog world out here.

A few weeks ago, I managed to find a spot in Traditions, which is an absolute miracle for 10 a.m. The second I was back in the garage looking for my car, it was like joining a high-stakes parking video game. Everyone’s tires were squealing, the headlights were all on, and there was no one else in sight.

A girl stopped her car right next to me and asked if I was leaving, and when I told her I was, she asked if I wanted a ride to my car. I don’t think there was a thought in my head because I was just like, “Oh my god, yeah,” and hopped right in. She literally cleared her stuff off the passenger seat and drove me to my car. It was so strange but also… girlhood?

Though these things have taken some getting used to, I now have some really funny stories to share and strange experiences to look back on when I graduate!

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Mairyn is a senior at Florida State University, majoring in Editing, Writing and Media, and Mass Media Studies, and planning to graduate early. She is new to Her Campus, but very excited to start creating. She enjoys reading fantasy novels, spending time with friends, and recreating her favorite takeout recipes.