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5 Ways You’re Doing College Wrong

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Okay, so you’re in college. This might be your first year or your last year, and as you are going about your daily routine you might, sadly, be doing college wrong. Now, you might be thinking, “How could you possibly do college wrong?” Especially if you’re about to hang up your thinking cap and go out into the real world. But you might be surprised to find that you could be doing one or, hopefully not, all of these things wrong.

1. Eating. You have no idea how many people I’ve run into at six at night and they are rushing to get their first meal of the day! Food is very important; I am almost positive someone has told you this before. Perhaps a parent or a doctor maybe. But it seems as you make your way through college it takes on a less important role in some people’s lives. But I assure you that you cannot survive or think properly without it. Hunger brings out the worse in us, making us say some stuff we really didn’t mean to. And how are you supposed to make friends if you are always angry?

2. Sleep. This goes hand in hand with eating; you cannot function without it. And the more you go without it the more likely you are to get sick and crash. All the things you were staying up for you can longer do because your body has given out on you: classes, the large degree of homework you had somehow been saddled with, clubs that you had joined to enhance your time in college and social events.

3. Stop. Take time to smell the roses, enjoy the life that you have and the beauty that surrounds you. You don’t always have to be going, going and gone. College is not only about doing all these activities but also about taking time to figure yourself out. So relax, grab some Oreos and turn on Netflix or sit under a tree on Landis and read a book. Just enjoy doing nothing.

4. Sleep. I know I’ve mentioned this already but this is a major issue and takes on a different form. Sleeping too much is a thing a lot of people suffer from. And I must admit I was one of those people. Naps were my bae. But when you’re always sleeping you miss out on great stuff like free food on campus, or Pink on campus and sometimes doing homework (the homework you were supposed to do after your nap but then you had to rush to your next class and by the time the day is done you forgot all about it).

5. Fun. Some people seem to forget that college is not all about work. Now don’t get me wrong, work is very important, I pride myself on getting things done. But it’s not all about work it’s also a time to have fun, whatever fun means to you. Go hiking with your friends or to the movies or out to a club and let loose. Life isn’t complete if it’s missing excitement, so even if you have to rearrange your schedule try to get some fun in.

My name is Zahra. Love the color green and love FSU
Her Campus at Florida State University.