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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Typically, when we’re looking to lose weight, we want to see results immediately. We search for tricks that yield great results in little time. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen. Usually, if the trick makes the weight easy to lose, it can be just as easy to gain it back.  Where we dream of being mentally and physically will only come true if we put in the work to get there. Keeping weight off requires permanent lifestyle changes. There are no quick fixes. Otherwise, the weight loss is temporary, and you can gain it back when you go back to old habits. Making the changes necessary to change your life in the way that you desire can be difficult. A struggle most people deal with is having to get outside their comfort zone. The fear of failure radiates around us, making us hesitate. Worry no more, here’s a list of ways you can implement healthy changes that can overall make a huge difference and lead you toward the change you’re looking to make.

When starting your weight loss journey, there are three important areas in your life that might require adjusting: exercise, food and sleep. These three things are essential to losing weight and keeping the weight off. Having a steady schedule and plan for each is crucial to changing things around in a positive direction.

1. Exercise

 I’m not saying that you have to go to the gym every day. If I’m being honest, who wants to do that anyway? It is important, however, to have a good workout regimen that allows you to break a nice sweat. Working out doesn’t mean running on the treadmill for 45 minutes; there are a variety of ways to that you can engage in physical activity. Sports, yoga, pilates and dance are all fun ways to get moving, and normally you’ll be too busy focusing on the activity that you’ll forget that you’re “working out”. I know there are people who avoid engaging themselves in these activities, but ultimately, in order to make progress, you can’t make excuses. Slowly implementing these workouts into your daily routine will not only help you shed weight quicker, but it can act as a great way to release stress and anxiety. Having total control over your workouts and solely focusing on yourself through high-intensity exercise helps to clear the mind and teach discipline. Soon enough, you’ll look forward to your time by yourself to focus on what you’re doing and self-reflect. 

Courtesy: Spotebi

2. Food

Initially, when we’re looking to lose weight, a calorie deficit is needed to jump-start our journey. Implementing foods rich in fiber, proteins and vitamins will help keep you energized and feeling fuller longer. Basically, you want to incorporate foods that promote satiety- a feeling of lasting fullness. Slowly replacing your foods with healthier options will make a huge difference. So instead of reaching for those chips and soda for a snack, try maybe having water and some nuts. You want to be eating food that’s going to fuel your body and help it burn fat. Although it’s a cliché, the phrase “you are what you eat” definitely comes into play. If you eat healthier, you’ll feel better. Intuitive eating can be an important behavior change. This involves getting in tune with your body’s hunger and satiety signals and figuring out how to nourish yourself without feeling deprived.

3. Sleep

Our sleep heavily impacts our hunger and satiety hormones, making getting a good night’s rest each night an essential for weight loss. Muscle recovery and rest are truly where the magic happens. As your body adjusts to the new habits you’re forming by eating healthier and working out, this time for recovery and refreshing is extremely important. I know that people are busy, and many things seem like they can get in the way of getting a good night sleep, but truly if you change your environment and prioritize, you’ll accomplish more tasks throughout the day, leaving more time for you to spend sleeping.

Wanting better for yourself by creating a healthier environment is always a good thing, but you should only make these changes if it’s what YOU want to do. Every person is worthy exactly as they are. You shouldn’t feel that you have to adhere to someone else’s standards in order to feel beautiful. Do not change who you are to please someone else. This is your life, and it’s your duty to live it to the fullest the way YOU want to.

Courtesy:  Anytime Fitness

Katarina is a senior at Florida State University studying Creative Writing with a double minor in Education and Communications. You can find her at your local library reading a good book or writing for her blog https://katarinamartinez13.wixsite.com/kmartinezreads As an aspiring novelist and content writer, she is always looking to spread love and joy everywhere she goes.
Her Campus at Florida State University.