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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

There are plenty of incredible women that dominate my Instagram, TikTok “For You Page” (FYP), and Twitter feed. Here are five specific women who have hugely impacted the way I view finances, mental and physical health, leisure time, and relationships.


This influencer caught my eye a couple of years ago when I saw her on my TikTok FYP wearing the most extra outfits and accessories while lip-syncing with the top down of a convertible. Her content revolves around these viral car videos where she gives tough love about both platonic and romantic relationships. Her message is comical yet serious while she makes it known not to take nonsense from potential romantic partners. Her addition of luxurious outfits and background really sets the scene and emphasizes her message of being a strong woman.


Tori Dunlap (aka @herfirst100k) is the definition of a girl boss. Her content delves into how important it is for women to have financial freedom and how crucial it is to be able to fall back on yourself for financial means. She gives advice on investing, money coaching, and how to fight the patriarchy through your financial gain. In a male-dominated space, she emphasizes the importance of what it means to take up space as a woman.


Victoria de Vall might be one of my all-time favorite female influencers. She has really shaped my mentality about life, love, spirituality and what it means to be an empowered woman. I love her content because she goes in-depth about topics such as being sustainable with food and fashion, masculine and feminine energy, and how she believes women should be treated in their relationships with friends, family and romantic partners. She is also gorgeous and radiates beauty from the inside out. Totally an inspiration.


you can learn more about this in my recent podcast on my podcast “Victoria’s Thoughts” 🫶 #divinefeminine

♬ original sound – szasgrandchildren


Mandana is a TikTok influencer that I started watching about eight months ago. Although she has a smaller platform, her messages are amazing. Her content explores what it means to heal physically and mentally while being a young woman in your twenties. She posts videos about beauty, health and wellness, personal independence, and the importance of good quality relationships. She gives an older sister vibe as she stresses the importance of balance and how loving yourself is the first step to making any progress as a woman.


Work hard, play harder✈️🌴🥂🏋🏽‍♀️ #balancedlifestyle #balance #lifestyle #fyp

♬ original sound – Ian Asher


A moment of silence for Thewizardliz, please. Probably one of the most well-known women if you are looking for tips on self-love and how NOT to settle for a man. Her content speaks for itself, and she is an influencer that is worth following if you feel like you aren’t getting the most out of a situationship or if you want to hear her take on confidence. They don’t call her a wizard for nothing.

Being an influencer is becoming a mainstream job because of the ability to make an income on social media platforms. As a Gen Z myself, we are highly impressionable people, especially by social media. We are constantly being shown products and foods to buy and one of the reasons I love these female influencers is because they promote lifestyle changes and autonomy, which leads us in the right direction so we can make our own decisions about what we think is best for us. Using social media for good rather than bad is such a crucial example of how to positively influence Gen Z women. My favorite female influencers are one’s that I can FEEL are using their platform to help women gain independence, confidence and self love. I highly recommend that you check out these women on all their platforms!

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Hi everyone! I'm Katie and I'm a sophomore studying International Affairs at FSU. I am from Aventura, FL and love going to the beach, gardening, reading, and going out with my friends. I have always had a passion for writing and cannot wait to express it with our Her Campus readers!