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Surviving College without Coffee; Yes, It’s Possible

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Framingham chapter.


Personally, I never found coffee to be appetizing or capable of helping me deal with college all-nighters. Coffee in my mind is too darn bitter, and though I have tried different flavors of syrup and added sugar and cream until it is completely molten sugar. I just can’t handle that caffeine crash or the jitters as a side effect. By skipping the cup of coffee you never get the caffeine crash; so here are my tips for getting through the day without coffee.

Start your day with a tall glass of cold refreshing water

This not only wakes you up but can also help you start burning calories earlier in your day.


Eat breakfast

Consuming a hearty breakfast will help start your day off with energy and also help keep you going until lunch time.


Save the sugar from your coffee for a yummy treat!

Use the sugar you typically consume from your daily coffee for a sugary treat.  


Carry water throughout the day


You will never be thirsty and your cells will be wide awake.


Carry healthy snacks

Such as dark chocolates, apples and almonds for an energy boost when the 2 o’clock drag comes around.


Take an afternoon nap

If you are low on sleep recharge yourself.


Go outside

The fresh air can wake you right up when you start to feel sleepy. The combination of fresh air, moving around and change in temperature will wake you up.


When you feel sleepy it is a good idea to get your blood moving whether through exercise or stretching.        


Caffeine withdrawal?

If you go from drinking coffee every day to quitting cold turkey, you may experience headaches and grogginess. Instead of going cold turkey either gradually decrease your caffeine intake or replace it with caffeinated teas or chocolate.

Less anxiety


Perhaps it’s just me but coffee makes me super jittery and incredibly irritable. Caffeine also raises blood pressure.


Happy digestive system

Many people consume coffee on an empty stomach which can cause indigestion. Also, coffee causes you to be really regular.

Save money

When you don’t drink coffee all those dollars you spent on your daily caffeine fix pile up and can become a nice gift for yourself.

A healthier smile

Coffee can stain and damage your teeth similar to the way sugar and acid can rot your teeth. Smile a bright and healthy smile.




I am an avid cat lover, aspiring dietition and anime fanatic!A super senior at FSU with a major in dietetics and a minor in psychology and fashion design.