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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Framingham chapter.

Coconut oil is a powerhouse, the Beyoncé of oils if you will. It’s affordable, natural, filled with tons of vitamins and smells like a vacation in the tropics. Not to mention it can be used for just about anything. 

To further explain coconut oil’s many benefits, I’ve compiled a list of a few of the things you can use it for and for your convenience, they’ve been put into three sections: Beauty, Health and General Awesomeness.


Coconut oil is pretty much a magic elixir when it comes to taking care of yourself. All the nutrients your skin, hair and nails can get from it.

1. Moisturizing skin and cuticles: simply rub some coconut oil into your skin after a shower, or work it into your cuticles to keep them glowing.

2. Eye makeup remover: coconut oil can break down your eye makeup, including waterproof products, and moisturize your skin without causing breakouts. Just rub the oil on your lids until the makeup breaks down and wipe it off with a baby wipe.

3. Grow your eyelashes: That’s right, not only will it take the makeup off your lashes, it can also help them grow, just take some coconut oil on a q-tip and apply it to your eyelashes and eyebrows to help them grow long and thick.

4. Moisturizing body scrub: To make an easy exfoliating scrub that won’t damage your skin, mix some coconut oil with sugar to create an all-natural scrub that will remove dead skin and moisturize at the same time. 

5. Cure for lice: Coconut oil and apple cider vinegar make an easy homemade cure for lice.

6. Clean makeup brushes: Because it’s so good at breaking down makeup, coconut oil can also remove the buildup in your makeup tools, just mix it into some dish soap to clean your brushes while keeping the bristles soft.

7. Shines patent leather.

8. Natural shaving cream: Using coconut oil instead of shaving cream will allow you to get a closer shave, smooth out your skin and increase the uses you can get out of your razor.

9. Tanning oil: Coconut oil is a great tanning oil especially since it naturally has a small amount of spf in it as well. 


Coconut oil also has many benefits that can directly benefit your health and while most of these tips are generally first aid, always be sure to check things out with your doctor.

1. Can help speed healing of sunburns when applied topically to the affected area.

2. Can help soothe psoriasis or eczema flare ups.

3. Soothes sore throat: just mix some coconut oil into your tea.

4. Treat yeast infections: This is definitely something you’ll want to run by your doctor but coconut oil can help with yeast infections when ingested or applied topically.

5. Improve cholesterol.

6. Clear congestion: mix coconut, tea tree and rosemary oil for an all-natural vapo rub.

7. Sanitize dental accessories: placing some coconut oil in dental accessories such as retainers or mouth guards can help keep them sanitized, not to mention coconut oil has some natural tooth whitening properties. 

8. Soothe irritation mosquito bites, poison ivy.

9. Cold sores: coconut oil can help heal cold sores when applied topically.

General Awesomeness:  

Coconut oil also has a ton of other household uses:

1. Fix squeaky hinges.

2. Coffee creamer: emulsify some coconut oil in coffee for an added flavor, and a healthier alternative to processed creamers.

3. In lieu of vegetable oil: replacing your regular cooking oil with coconut oil will add flavor and is much healthier than other cooking oils.

4. Lubricate guitar strings.

5. Unstick a stuck zipper.

6. Start a campfire: soak some cotton balls in coconut oil and put them in the kindling to make the fire burn longer.

7. Coat cat paws with it to cut down on hairballs.

8. Condition pet fur.

9. Soothe tick/ flea bites: apply coconut oil to areas on your pet’s body that have been affected to calm irritation.

10. Repel insects: a mixture of coconut oil and essential oils such as tea tree and peppermint oil coupled with catnip can actually form a natural insect repellent.

11. Natural lube: If you don’t feel like spending money on it, coconut oil can be a good lubricant alternative, just be sure to use non-latex condoms.

So I’d say, if you haven’t already, it’s time to move over your hot sauce and make room for some coconut oil in your bag too. 

Freshman Chemistry major at Framingham State. Fluent in English, Spanish, French and Sarcasm.
Marissa is a senior psychology major and photography minor at Framingham State University. She is an Academic Success Peer Tutor, SDA in the dorms. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Framingham and a Chapter Advisor. When she is not daydreaming, Marissa enjoys binge-watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Hulu and sleeping.