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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Framingham chapter.

The world is at an all-time low right now since we are in the middle of a pretty severe pandemic. We are stuck inside our homes 24/7 unless we have to go get some necessities. We are all bored out of our minds trying to find something to do. We keep doing the same things over and over again until they become boring themselves. Being home has helped me come up with some different things to keep myself busy, and I thought I would share them with you.  



Now, this may seem simple and childish to some. But coloring is very calming for many people. I bought a few “adult” coloring books a while back at Michaels. But if you don’t have any books on you, you can always find printable worksheets online.   


Being Outside  

Go outside! Go for a walk, a run, a skip even! If you have swings in your backyard go and swing! If you have any outside games, go play them! I’m sure you have someone to play catch with! The fresh air is amazing for your mind and anxiety!  



If you have any puzzles just collecting dust on your shelves, pull them out! Puzzles are a great way to keep your mind occupied and off of the topic of the pandemic. Puzzles also keep your brain working when you aren’t doing anything else! 


Video Games 

Now, this is probably a no brainer on how to keep busy. Video games can keep someone busy for hours depending on the game. Like anything else, they keep your mind off the topic of the pandemic! 


Read a Book 

I know not a lot of people like to read. But during a time when you have nothing else to do, reading seems like a rollercoaster! Depending on the book, your mind can forget about the outside world and you’re completely submerged in the book.  



Open your closet door. Does it look like a complete disaster? Well, organize it! Look inside your drawers. Do they look just as messy? Organize them! Organizing can keep you busy for hours, days, even weeks!  



This may not be someone’s first idea of keeping busy. But exercising is a great way to keep healthy and busy during quarantine! You may have heard of the COVID 15. By exercising every day, you won’t gain the COVID 15, you’ll lose them! Exercising every day can also lower your anxiety! 


Watch TV/Movies 

The simplest way to keep busy is to watch tv. I’m sure you have Netflix of Hulu! Streaming apps have a ton of tv shows for you to binge-watch! I’ve personally already watched through a tv series and am almost done with another one! TV shows and movies are a great way to escape the outside world! 

Celia Marchese

Framingham '23

Freshman at Framingham State University, elementary education, and English major.