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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Fordham University needs to come together this Spring to do its part in protecting the planet. Many students live in residence halls, and they need to do a better job of understanding the resources they use consistently and how they can partake in environmental protection. Here are some examples of what all students can start doing this April:

  1. Laundry: Watch your load. Please wait until you have enough clothes to put in a full load. Those in the laundry rooms who wash half-full loads need to recognize the amount of water and electricity the laundry machines use. Also keep in mind that water temperature matters. Put your clothes on cold or warm, not hot. You will be saving electricity and helping the planet. Regardless, your clothes will be clean and dry!
  2. Notebooks: Use them all year. Those notebooks you purchase in the beginning of the year should be used for both semesters. Split up the notebooks as best you can, use all sheets, and use both sides of the page. Recycle any papers you might remove. You will save money because you won’t have to purchase all over again in January, you’ll keep all your materials together, and not waste paper. 
  3. Water: Don’t they advertise hydroflasks at fordham for a reason? Take note of your plastic water bottle usage. Many residence halls on campus are advertising prizes for RHA events which include hydroflasks and other reusable water bottles. Refill them at your leisure, instead of buying plastic over and over. Also, reduce your shower time, set a timer and turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Take showers over baths. Less hot water!
  4. Recycle Your Technology: Two electronic recycling bins have been installed on Fordham’s Rose Hill campus: one by John Mulcahy Hall (JMH) and one on the east side of Martyrs’ Court. Recycle unwanted handhelds, tablets, phones, printers, flat screen monitors, speakers, and hand-held radios. With this we can avoid toxic landfill sites with batteries leaking into the ground.
  5. Trash Rooms Exist for a Reason: Recycle glass, aluminum, paper, and plastic. Differentiate your waste in the trash room of the residence halls. Save time for the janitors and be more conscious of which products you use and then dispose of. Fordham campus newspapers? Do us the honor of recycling them, please.
  6. Grocery Store Shopping: Plastic bags! If the grocery stores off-campus offer plastic bags to carry your items, bring your own reusable cloth bags instead. In some instances, they provide discounts if you do! If you do take the plastic bags, use them to line trash cans or reuse them to carry around other items. Plastic bags pollute our oceans and food sources.
  7. Donate Versus Throw Away: When you’re cleaning out your dorm room or moving out at the end of the year, instead of throwing away unwanted items, think of donations. Donate your belongings to a local charity or church, or list them online.
  8. Return Steel Wire Hangers to Dry Cleaners: Wire hangers hung up in your closets are not recyclable. Return or donate them to dry cleaners for their stock of resources.
  9. Lights: Let’s be efficient! Opt to use energy efficient lightbulbs. They last a long time and can save you money. Use these while studying at your desk and inform others of their importance. Please turn off the lights when you leave the room, especially if it’s for the entire day. This will also make you room cooler when you come home!
  10. Temperature: Adjustment. Speaking of temperature and room heating, when possible, turn off your heating or cooling systems when you’re not using them or you’re not home.

C’mon we can do this Fordham! Start up these habits this Spring and do your best to carry them out throughout the year. Spread the word on proper care of our planet to your family and friends. Be aware of the resources given to you and how you use them. Earth Day is our reminder that we are living on this planet and we must work to protect it!

Emily Dwelle

Fordham '21

Fordham University Senior. History Major and Marketing and Journalism Minors. Preschool Volunteer and interests in social issues and entertainment. HerCampus Tutor, Writer, Photography Director.