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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

She walked a little lighter and laughed a little more. The words rolled off her tongue a little easier and the problems rolled off her back. She felt more alive. She felt more like herself. The light inside of her that was usually fading in and out, it was beaming, glowing through her skin. Her smiles lasted longer as did her kind words as did her inspiring thoughts. She blossomed. She grew better each day. Everything around her brought her more to life as she brought more life to those around her. Everything was comforting and even when she was stressed she was at ease. She had never loved her own skin so much. She knew what she wanted and how to get it. She didn’t seek validation from others, but she seeked meaningful conversations. She questioned all and provoked many. She figured out who complimented her life and who didn’t. She yearned for those whose thoughts had to escape their mouths. She craved discussion, intellect, and conversation. She was an optimist, an idealist, but she was a doer, and adapter. She took charge and wanted to tackle more each day. She took charged and lived in the present. Planned a little for the future. When she looked back it was to see how far she has come. It was to make her smile. At this point she was blooming. She became quicker with each passing moment. The world was in her reach. She was grasping it with two hopeful hands. It was all calling her name. Searching for her attention. Her transformation was breathtaking. The way she carried herself made others curious. She had become so courageous. Her confidence contagious and her opinions needing to be shared. They were screaming inside her head until she finally let them out. Not only did she look on the bright side, there was only a bright side. There was no wrong turn she could make. She loved life and it loved her right back.