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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

When the Spring Weekend guests were announced this year, a hush fell over the entire campus. Seniors everywhere fainted suddenly. The victory bell rang. Josh Peck was coming to campus to answer all of our questions about his feud with Drake Bell. Or so we thought.

There were murmurings throughout the very expansive line of students sitting down in the road outside the Prep that Josh had specifically stated he would not be talking about Drake. When we settled into our seats and waited for the comedy genius himself to take the stage, there was a palpable excitement in the auditorium. No one really knew where the talk was going to take us. When he finally stepped out from behind the curtain, the applause was deafening.

Over the course of the following hour, Josh told us all about his various creative endeavors. The choice to switch the event from a speech-based talk to more of a moderated discussion was an interesting one, but I think it was effective. We were able to submit questions about what we wanted to know about, and it felt more like a collective conversation. He talked about Vine, his mother, his childhood, he proved that he did his research on Fordham. We laughed, we cried, we awww’d when he talked about his wife. We even got a quick taste of his iconic comedic pronunciation.

And then the Q&A portion began. Things were pretty straightforward until it happened. A small blonde girl, now an international icon, stepped up to the microphone and officially declared it “Savage Season”. She asked the question we had all been waiting weeks to hear: “Why didn’t you invite Drake to your wedding?” We could tell he had been waiting for the question. He exasperatedly explained that it was a small ceremony. Drake understood. There was no animosity, they’re still just as close as ever. And with that, the entire auditorium breathed a collective sigh of relief. The original Buddy Comedy Best Friends were safe and still just as in love as ever.


Jacquelyn Kozak is a junior at Fordham University studying English and Visual Arts. She enjoys long walks through the zoo and looking at viral videos of dogs, and is allergic to her own cats.