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My Roommate’s Dilemma: Surviving A LDR This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

You’ve finally reached the end of spring semester, and you’re trying to make it through finals in one piece; but something else has got you stressed these days.  After a year full of romantic hiccups you’ve finally found the “right” guy for you, but there’s a catch. You both agree that you want to begin an exclusive relationship, but summer is fast approaching and you live hours apart from each other. You, like many other college students, are facing the challenge of having a long-distance summer romance. You’re probably wondering if it can even work out, and how you will find time to talk with your busy summer schedules; but before you get discouraged, listen to the advice I gave my roommate when she was in this situation. Consider the following three points of advice on how to make it work before totally giving up or diving right in:

Stay “connected”: This summer you’re going to be juggling an internship and a part-time job; it’s no wonder that you’re already stressed about keeping in touch with your long-distance love. If you can’t text or go on Facebook while you’re at work, how will you communicate during those long hours? Get creative! If you can sneak a few minutes on LinkedIn or GChat at your internship, then you have enough time to flirt with your boyfriend. Send him a funny message like “I look forward to doing business with you,” which will keep your relationship fun and let him know that you are thinking about him while you’re busy at work.

Beware of Chocolate-Covered Trust: If you’re seriously considering going through with a long-distance relationship this summer, then you need to be aware of what I like to call “Chocolate-Covered Trust.” So what is it? Think of a chocolate-covered strawberry; hard, stable and appealing on the outside, but soft, gooey and messy on the inside. If you have chocolate-covered trust, you appear to be trusting on the outside, but on the inside you’re unsure and questioning everything. If you’re already having negative thoughts about him possibly cheating, lying, and sneaking around, then you need to be honest with him. Let him know that you’re not totally sure about how exclusive your relationship will be so that you can talk together and lay down some ground rules. Don’t be embarrassed if you have chocolate-covered trust; instead, get real and talk to him so that you can establish actual trust.

Distance CAN make the heart grow fonder: Take it from someone who knows, it’s true what they say. Distance can make the heart grow fonder, but only if you allow it to. Having a positive attitude is key to making a long-distance relationship work. Instead of dwelling on the time you have to spend apart, look forward to the visits when you will get to be together. Long-distance relationships are all about what you put into them; you get what you give, so stay positive! 

Alyssa is a senior at Fordham University pursuing a major in Communications and Media Studies, and a minor in Spanish. With career goals ranging from digital editor at a major women's magazine, to writing a best selling young adult novel, she has put her skills to the test in many different areas of the communications field.