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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

One of the biggest new stars to hit the red carpet at the 2019 American Music Awards, Lizzo conjured up quite the buzz when she showed up with what may be the tiniest purse ever made.

Lizzo, a 3-award nominee, stunned onlookers in her custom bright orange Valentino dress, but the real star was her miniature accessory, a ridiculously small white bag that requires camera zoom to spot. With lots of attention from carpet fashion reporters, it comes as no shock that the meme world quickly picked it up. The teeny bag even has its own Twitter account & trending hashtags, like #lizzostinybagmovement!

Check out all of the hilarious responses here. You keep doin’ you, Lizzo!

*Photo Credit: PinkNews.

Hey girls! I'm a Senior Marketing Major & Business Law & Ethics Minor, originally from New Jersey. I served as our chapter's Campus Correspondent for a little over a year, but I am continuing to pursue my passion for writing during my last few months at Fordham.