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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Your first few months at Fordham are going to be super busy and a little bit stressful, but don’t let that stress get in the way of you enjoying yourself! You’re finally here! You made it to college and now you finally have some of that freedom you’ve been craving for so long. So, how do you make it count and have the best Fall semester?

  • Join a club sport! Whether you join the squash team, the women’s rugby team (yes, we have one of those!), or the ultimate frisbee team, club sports are much more relaxed than varsity sports and you’ll have more time to do other things you’re passionate about!

  • Join GO! Global Outreach (GO!) is a service-based club on campus. Through Global Outreach, Fordham students get to particpate in domestic and international service trips all around the world. You spend a few months learning more about the culture you will be immersed in, as well as the type of work you will be doing once you’re there. This may sound like a lot of work, but it is honestly one of the most life-changing clubs available on campus. 

  • Explore NYC! If you aren’t from New York, the Fall is the perfect time to venture outside of Fordham’s gates and explore the other boroughs, and even the Bronx itself! Have a ball at a Yankee’s game or go on a rowboat in Central Park. Whatever you do, Falll weather in New York City is sure to make your day that much better. 

  • Join a club! There are all kinds of clubs on campus here at Fordham and even if you don’t see one you want to join, you can make your own! There are academic clubs, service clubs, clubs based on hobbies, etc. so you are bound to finda at least one that involves your interests. If you like writing and are passionate about female empowerment, maybe even think about joining us at HerCampus!

Sociology and Philosophy Double Major at Fordham Rose Hill Interested in: Art, Music, Makeup and Current Events