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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

January is usually the time to make New Year’s resolutions, while Spring is typically associated with cleaning. Fall is just as good of a time to incorporate healthy habits into your regular routine, keeping you well and content going into Winter.

Make To-Do Lists

There’s so many times that I tell myself that I’ll just remember an assignment or task in my head and don’t need to write it down, which usually doesn’t go so well. Writing down a to-do list forces me to focus on exactly what I have to get done. It also really helps me to see what I have to do all in front of me so I can prioritize what I need to start first. You can write these to-do lists in your planner, but I like to write my lists on a sticky note. I then put this sticky note on my desk so I constantly see it throughout the day and I’m reminded of the tasks I have to accomplish.

Be More Present

By this, I mean to be truly present wherever you are. Often, we get so distracted by other things, such as our phones, that we forget where we are and what we should be doing. A simple way to implement this habit to walk to class without looking at your phone for those 5-10 minutes. Just observe your surroundings, especially since Fall makes campus look even nicer! A way to take this a step further is by not going on social media for a certain duration of time. This can vary from a few hours to a few days depending on what exactly you want to do. It’s always beneficial to disconnect and unplug from social media in order to focus on what’s going on right in front of you.

Spend Time in the Sun

There’s still an opportunity to soak up some sun in the Fall. When there’s sunny days, take regular walks outside to increase your intake of vitamin D — it keeps your bones healthy, promotes weight loss, and acts as a mood booster. Also you can work in more vitamin D-rich foods into your diet such as fish, eggs, yogurt, and cheese.

Walk Every Day

Right now, the weather isn’t too cold or too hot, which makes it an ideal time to take advantage of taking walks before the freezing cold weather sets in. According to the American Heart Association, brisk walks can help lower blood pressure, balance cholesterol levels, and lower your risk for diabetes. It’ll also give you the chance to have a break and get some fresh air if you’ve been doing assignments inside all day. 

Drink Enough Water

During the Summer, the hot temperature makes you more conscious of dehydration. However, it’s important to remember that just because the temperature drops in the Fall doesn’t mean that your water intake should. Your water intake relies on various factors, but it’s recommended that on average you drink at least 64 ounces a day. Tip: Fill up your water bottle before you go to sleep so that when you wake up, it’s already ready for you to drink the next morning. This will help in making you more conscious of drinking water throughout the day if you start off your morning doing so!

Make Fall Resolutions

Why wait until New Year’s to make resolutions when you can do it now? According to data published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, just 8% of people who make resolutions on January 1st achieve their goals. Take a look at goals you wanted to accomplish in the beginning of the year, or even more recently, and start to work on them again. Most likely, you’ll be proactive in carrying through with them because you’re doing them for a specific reason. This differs for when you usually just make New Year’s resolutions based on the time of year and tradition.

Even in the Fall, there’s an opportunity to implement healthy habits. It’s never too early or too late to start incorporating beneficial routines in your daily life!

Hi! I'm majoring in Communications and Culture with a minor in Marketing at Fordham Rose Hill. I hope you enjoy my articles!